Transient Art in the Mini Forest.

This morning the Foxes had their time in the Mini Forest. Mrs Mack had set them  a task to gather their own resources and create a picture. A few had ideas of what they wanted to do and for some their designs just happened  naturally. We had a great array of Transient Art and the children enjoyed telling us about their work. We had a lighthouse, a tree, a ship, a  mini forest and a gingerbread man to name a few. See if you can spot them!

We also did a spot of litter picking today, a Spring  clean!  We filled 2 bags from the Mini Forest. . Good job everyone!

Beautiful work!

Art in the park.

Today the Bees had their morning in the Mini Forest. Mrs Thomson had also planned an art activity in the park as its STEAM month. The children had the opportunity to take rubbings of various things in the park. They had been asked to look for things that would make a good pattern. They rubbed on tree bark, the ground, railings and a brick wall. All of these provided different surfaces and they enjoyed seeing the results. Then it was time for snack and then off to play with their friends. They found lots of branches and sticks and used them as broomsticks and wands and mark making in a muddy patch .There was also a t -rex stomping in the  bushes! It was a bit muddy today so the children  got  hosed down which they all love and was a great end to a busy morning.

Outdoor Learning

Our ‘Outdoor Area’ is currently undergoing a transformation with the help of our children and their parents/carers. We are extremely grateful for the fantastic support and donations of natural/recyclable materials from pipe connections, real bricks, wood, compost, large tree stumps, wooden pallets, large pipes and resources for our ECC outdoor kitchen. The children continue to  investigated how they can use the new resources to transporting water across the area. The children had a fantastic time exploring the irrigation pipe, as they poured water through “Oh no it’s broken, it has holes in it.”

During STEAM month we have also been investigating the cycles of plant growth, on Thursday the children planted pea and radish seeds with Mrs Marshall and on Friday we planted an apple tree. The children discussed what was needed to help the seeds and apple tree grow, “Sun,” “Light,” “Worms,” “Compost,” and “We need to water the tree, not to much because the rain will water it.” We also placed a small bug house in the construction area, (soon to be followed by a larger one designed and built by the children) The children hope we will soon be visited by “Spiders,” “Bees,” “Dragonflies,” and “Centipedes.”

Mrs Gray.

Block Play

Good Afternoon,

As you have been unable to come inside the ECC for some time now I thought I would share one of our newest resources with you all.   We have invested a lot into developing our block play area, with the support of our Parent Council, which we are extremely grateful for.

The children have embraced block play and have engaged in lots of lovely learning within this area, which I am sure they have told you lots about.  After discussions about their learning on Friday, many of the children were able to tell us that while building with the various blocks, they are engineering.   Block play also provides your children with lots of new language, they are developing their math skills, risk assessing, working in partnership with their peers, developing their imaginations and they are also developing both their fine and gross motor skills.

Some of the models that have been engineered and constructed include: a fire station, a castle with a hot tub, a slide, a see saw and a huge building.

Block Play is definitely one of the most popular areas to play, within our ECC.

If you have any photographs of your children building with blocks or taking part in any other engineering experiences, we would love to see them.  You can email them to myself or the ECC email account, both address are below.

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Marshall

A challenge in the Mini Forest.

This morning The Foxes had their time in the Mini Forest.  As it is STEAM month Mrs Mack had set the children a task to build a Totem Pole from natural resources . The children had a walk around the park looking for sticks to start with. We had a quick look on google to see what they looked like and then they began their designs. They had to use all their problem solving skills as for some it was quite tricky . A thin stick proved easier to manipulate while those with chunkier sticks found threading leaves over the top a real challenge .Some choose bigger leaves ,dry leaves and small leaves they all proved different to manipulate. The children had to use their fine motor skills and their engineering skills  were apparent too as they solved their design problems.

They also enjoyed time playing in the trees  and found a bungee cord which they used  repeatedly moving it from  branch to branch. They stretched it and enjoyed seeing  how many branches it could reach. They found branches with little bits it could hook onto and said it looked like a laser beam as it stretched across. They had to be careful it did not ping back and hurt themselves and they talked to each other about” standing back.” They worked well together taking time to keep each other safe.

They had a quick recall at the end of their morning and playing with friends and making their totem poles was the things they most enjoyed.

Great work everybody!

We are Engineers

Good Morning,

The children have been working very hard during our STEAM month, taking part in lots of fantastic learning experiences and leading their own learning.

This week our focus has been on engineering, which has worked well as the children asked if they could make their own water park.  They planned what resources they would need and worked well together, setting each other tasks to create a fantastic water park.

Once they had completed their water park and were finished investigating it, they decided to create a water slide.  The children      thought very hard and planned out how they could do this.  They put a bucket under the tap of the water butt, to support the guttering and allow the water to flow and used wooden blocks to keep the guttering “stable”.

The children were using lots of fantastic language to describe what they were doing, how things worked and to describe what didn’t work.

Well done everyone!!


Investigations in the mini forest

This morning The Bees took time to investigate their surroundings. They took binoculars and magnifying glasses so they could really see what is going on. They looked above at the birds and below in the ground and found worms. They looked at the bark on the trees and found tyres marks in the mud. They thought perhaps a tractor might make marks like that? They also used their imagination finding volcanoes with hot and cold lava and looking for a dinosaur nest. They went for a walk around the park still looking for things of interest and found berries starting to change colour and a Lichen on tree bark .The Bees discovered lots of new things today and had really enjoyable day too,

Collecting natural resources in the Mini Forest.

This morning the Badgers had a busy time in the Mini Forest. They had a task to collect natural resources that they would later take back to the ECC. They worked hard to find a variety of things  around them. Their natural curiosity was rewarded with lots of lovely finds. Leaves, various sizes of sticks, large stones, flower heads and few bugs too. As it is STEAM month we took a opportunity to create transient art as they brought over their resources and produced lovely art. They choose to use some of the curved or longer sticks as guns and swords. They used their imagination to create a house with a stable door from a large leafy bush .They found a pile of soft moss and thought moles might live under it. They ate their snack sitting on the grass together .Then it was time to gather our leaves, sticks and stones and return to the ECC.

Making birdfeeders in the Mini forest

Today the Bees went to the Mini forest and we had a lovely morning. It was a lovely sunny day and the children enjoyed looking at all the plants and shrubs that are starting to bud. They had time to play on the branches and explore their surroundings. We had snack too towards the end of our morning and then as it is STEAM month we had a science activity that the children really enjoyed!

The children had  fun  making their bird feeders with cones and seeds. They chatted about what birds might come to eat from them and as they rolled the cones into the seeds they were pleased to see how quickly it was completed .They all choose a branch and looped their feeder on .We will return to see what has happened to our feeders and watch from the ECC in interest to see if the birds really do like them!

ECC – P3 Extreme Readers

World Book Day 2021
Extreme Reading Challenge: Home Task
ECC – P3

The children from the ECC – P3 were asked to show us their daring side and their love for reading by taking part in some extreme reading and they rose to the challenge!

Please enjoy our extreme readers but don’t try these at home without adult supervision!

kind regards, Mrs Nouillan