Hello from Mrs Marshall

Dear Children of Dunlop ECC,

Good morning and happy Monday everyone, I hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend and perhaps enjoyed lots of outdoor fun.

Today is my first day at Dunlop ECC and it is rather strange being here because there are no boys and girls! I am really looking forward to seeing you and getting to know you when you come back to the ECC. For this week, I have some literacy and maths activities for you to do at home and it would be lovely if you shared your learning with me. As I am still so new to Dunlop ECC, I don’t have my Glow email yet but you could send your photographs to Mrs Nouillan and she has said she will share them with me.

Please find below lots of super activities for this week’s shared home learning. I hope you enjoy these and I will see you soon in Dunlop ECC.

Fine Motor Skills

Activity 1

Open the link to pencil control pack I have shared below and if you are able to print, use coloured pencils, pens or crayons to mark make.

pencil control

Activity 2 –

Using pencils, crayons or pens, draw a picture of you and your family.  Remember to look carefully at everyone and draw their features.

Activity 3

Open the link to scissor control pack I have shared below and if you are able to print, follow the scissor cutting patterns with your scissors.  Remember, children should only use scissors when an adult is supervising.


Activity 4

If you have chalk, or water and a paintbrush, go outside and mark make on your garden path or wall.  Can you write your name?  can you write numbers?


Activity 1

Collect 6 different items for your floating and sinking experiment.  Before you test your items, first sort them into categories – Float/Sink/Don’t Know

Now conduct your floating and sinking experiment.  Do you know why some objects float or sink?


Activity 2

Before bath time, go on a hunt for toys that you can take in your bath.  Before taking them in the bath, again sort them into categories Float/Sink/Don’t Know. Now conduct your floating and sinking experiment in the bath.

Activity 3

Using materials you have in your home, can you make an object that you can take in your bath to test if it floats.

Activity 4

Find 4 small objects and trap them in ice (put the objects in water and place in the freezer)

After your ice cubes have frozen, conduct your floating and sinking experiment – do the objects float or sink?

To finish, after the ice cubes have melted, take your 4 small objects and conduct your floating and sinking experiment again.  What happens now?

Please open the link below for a STEM story called Who Sank the Boat?


I hope you enjoy this week’s shared home learning and remember you can email photographs.  On Friday, I am going to read you one of my favourite stories and you will get to see me!!

Take care, Mrs Marshall

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