Children’s Mental Health Week

Day 5 – Children’s Mental Health Week

Good morning and happy Friday everyone.  I hope you have enjoyed this week’s themed shared home learning and you have learned lots of new skills.

Today is the last day of Children’s Mental Health Week and today’s activities are designed for you to express yourself – dress to express yourself through role play.

Benefits of Role Play

Role play is an important part of child development, as it builds confidence, creativity, communication, physical development and problem solving. Along with being a fun activity, it also allows children to get into character and act out real life roles or fictional performances. It can be purely child-led, and encourages children to take risks and be creative with the role they are playing.

Today’s role play focuses on superheroes and I would like you to make your own superhero costume using whatever you can find in your home, it could be a table cloth or sheet for a cape, goggles for your super power glasses and brightly coloured socks for your superhero gloves!  The choice is endless, look around your house and think creatively about how you can use what you have!

Once you have your costume and you are a powerful superhero, why don’t you show and tell your family your superhero powers! 

Open the link for two superhero dances and a fabulous superhero story.

Please remember to send me a photograph, we would love to see you as a superhero!

In other news, next week we will welcome Mrs Marshall, our ECC Senior and she says she is so looking forward to working in Dunlop and getting to know our lovely children and families.

Next week, Mrs Marshall will be leading the ECC shared home learning with lots of super literacy and numeracy learning.

Take care and enjoy a lovely weekend with your family.

With kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan


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