Lots of Shared Home Learning Fun

Good morning everyone,

It was lovely this morning to open my mail box and find lots of lovely photographs showing the fun one of our young learners is having at home as he takes part in the home learning activities I have shared.

He has taken part in the Character Hide and Seek activity and created maps to hide his characters, he also tested his sister to see if she could follow his maps!  He’s made playdough and been taking part in lots of playdough fun and his mummy told me he loved the colour monster story and has drawn his own colour monster! His colours are, orange for happy, red for sad and pink for cross.  It has been lovely to see how busy he is at home!

As I always say, we love to see the children and what they have been doing, so please email me and I will blog this for you.

with kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

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