ECC Shared Home Learning

Monday 18th January 2021

Dear Families,

I hope you are all safe and managed to enjoy some fun times together at the weekend.

On Friday, I posted the easy peasy recipe for playdough and I shared some ideas for home learning fun with the playdough.

Today’s activity is also related to playdough (we use playdough all the time in the ECC as it is a resource that can be used in so many ways).

Today, or perhaps even for the week, use the playdough to make self or family portraits.

First look in a mirror together and talk about your faces and name the facial features as you chat.  Then look for and discuss differences and similarities, you could also discuss shapes, sizes and colours.

Then make your own portraits and for an added extra sensory experience to the activity, you could collect natural materials on a walk and add these to create pattern and a variety of textures.

As the week goes on, the portraits could be revisited and changed to represent feelings and emotions.  I have attached below a beautiful story about feelings and emotions.

Remember, we always love to see the children’s learning so please email over photographs for sharing on the blog!

Please open the link below for the story, it really is beautiful and is perfect for discussing feelings and emotions.

With warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan







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