ECC Shared Home Learning

Friday 15th January 2021

Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you are all well and have been enjoying some lovely shared home learning and the story I shared yesterday.

I will post Monday’s activity today as it is a little bit of a messy activity and it might be something you’d like to make over the weekend in preparation for Monday.


If you would like to, please follow our easy peasy recipe for homemade playdough. I have included adding food colouring to the recipe but if you don’t have any food colouring you could use a little paint for colouring or you could leave it natural! In the ECC, we often add smells – this could be cinnamon, mint extract, aromatherapy oils etc.

• 2 cups of flour (any type)
• 1 cup of salt
• 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar
• 4 tablespoons of oil (vegetable or sunflower)
• 2 cups of boiling water

Add all the ingredients together and mix and knead as if making bread! If it is a little sticky, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Please note, it can come out of the microwave really hot, so please be careful!

Your playdough will keep for a couple of weeks if it is stored in an airtight container in the fridge – depending on use. This easy peasy playdough is more cost effective than buying shop bought playdough and it is great fun to make it together!

When you are making your playdough with your child/children, use the language of counting and measuring as you go and question as you go to promote thinking eg
I wonder what colours we will make? I wonder what we could make with your playdough once it is ready? How does it feel? Is it soft and smooth or a bit bumpy and rough?

Possible activities for playdough fun and learning but the list is endless!
Make: numbers, letters, names, 2d flat shapes, roll into different sized lengths and talk about long, longer longest, big, bigger, biggest, short, shorter, shortest or you may have your own lovely ideas of things to make which meet your child’s interests!

Whatever you do, have fun and if you would like to, you can send me photographs of your creations!

Enjoy a happy and safe weekend!
With warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

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