ECC Shared Home Learning

Tuesday 12th January 2021

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you have enjoyed this cold but sunny day.

Please open the link below for another fun and interesting shared home learning activity, please note, as I never posted until later in the day yesterday, I will now post at this time every day (3pm) and this will share with you the activity for the following day.  I am very mindful that you may be busy with work and other family commitments and there is no expectation for you and your child to take part in these activities.

Activity link –

Character Hide and Seek (1)

I have received lovely photographs from one of our young learners showing the fun he had and what we made from the activity ‘It’s not Just a Box’ and as it is currently the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, he might be putting these to very good use with a spot of twitching!

We love to see the children learning at home or when they are out and about in Dunlop, so please remember to take photographs and email them to me for us all to enjoy.

Take care and I look forward to seeing your shared home learning fun!

with warmest regards, Mrs Nouillan

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