Happy New and Safe Year!

Good morning families of Dunlop ECC,
I hope you are well and in amongst all that has been happening, you managed to enjoy a lovely Christmas with your loved ones.

As we return this term to the challenges that lie ahead, please be assured the Dunlop ECC staff team and myself will be here to work in partnership with you as you seek to support your child at home with their learning.

We are sorry not to welcome the children back but to keep in touch with you, I will share daily with you, a play based learning activity you may choose to do as part of quality shared home learning.

Please note, I appreciate you may have other commitments and you do not have the time, or you may have a bank of your own lovely ideas for play based learning, the activities I share are completely optional and are shared only as suggestions.

Please note, both Mrs Wilson and myself are in attendance in school every day, should you need to contact us about anything.

Please open the link below to take you to today’s shared home learning activity.

With warmest regards,

Mrs Nouillan

It’s not just a box (1)

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