Mini Forest am September 20th 2020

Hello and welcome

Today we had the pleasure of going into our Mini Forest with our morning group.  For some of the children, it was their first experience and it was a great start. We had to put on our suits and boots and then we had an important chat about our safety rules.

The children all enjoyed exploring the trees, crawling about and finding new paths and trails. They found branches to play on and picked up lots of  sticks and natural materials so they can create shapes with them relating to our Maths focus. The children talked about the length of the sticks and if they might snap because they felt thin. They made a pile of them as a campfire  and recalled going on picnics with their families. Hide  and seek with super counting and clever places to hide was fun to do.

Pancakes and a drink of water topped up our energy levels and then it was time to return to the ECC…..but we can do it all again next week as we will be regular visitors this year as outdoor learning and forest kindergarten is part of our school improvement plan.

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