Wee Gardens 30th Sept a.m group

Today we braved the wet weather and had fun in the Wee Gardens.

The children had all their outdoor suits on and this enables them to play happily regardless of the weather.

After a recap of our safety rules the children split up and all choose different thing to do.

Exploring under the trees and climbing into the tyres was popular. Some of the children continued their game of fire engines from last week. Sitting in the tyres and using their imagination  the crew took on many emergencies.

They took turns at swinging on the tyre and pushing each other too.

The children enjoyed running up and down the hill, having to use their judgement when to slow down and speed up.

We practiced returning to our special meeting point( the trolley) and the children impressed us with their good listening and prompt action.



Before ‘Lockdown’ we took delivery of a fantastic new shed to use for our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, The Arts and Mathematics). materials/products. We have now purchased boxes to place some amazing new STEAM resources into, enabling the children to access these resources during each session to extend their learning experiences.

Mrs Gray

Imaginative play on the grass…

A glorious afternoon was spent on the large grassed area beyond the ECC setting. The children initially worked together with the footballs kicking, throwing and taking penalties, before they moved on to imaginative play. We have a lot of kitten’s, lions and dragons in Dunlop, the children then became dinosaurs – Tyrannosaurus Rex’s, Allosaurus’s and a family of Gallimimuses. They used the grass to make nests and eggs before using the ball to represent eggs sitting on top of them whilst waited for them to hatch.

Mrs Gray

Science Experiment…

The children worked with Mrs Mack this morning to discover what happens when a gingerbread person is added to vinegar, water, milk and washing up liquid. The children made simple predictions, analysed, interpreted and evaluated their findings.

Some of the children’s quotes: “It’s science,” “He’s turning into a milkman,” “It’s softer, it’s getting soft,” “This one is starting to sink, he is getting softer,” “Mine is soft now too…it drowned,” “Changing different colours, because they are wet,” “I think they will turn soft…the one in the soap has sunk to the bottom,” “Squishy because they are in wet things,” “He has got a crack, that means he is breaking,” “This one is stuck, the soap makes it stick” and “My water is turning white.”

Mrs Gray

Wee Gardens September a.m group

On Wednesday we visited the Wee Gardens with our a.m group. As part of our outdoor learning we will be visiting it again this week.

The children enjoyed the walk over and observed the road safety rules. We had a sunny morning and the children explored their new surroundings .They found a  tyre to swing on and huge tyres to sit in. They found moss on the tree trunks  and enjoyed watching the trains going by, They enjoyed using their imagination playing games of “speedy hedgehog ” and ran up and down the hill. They found little stones and buried them as treasure.

We had a lovely snack of cheese sandwiches and water.

Then it was time to return to the ECC… we look forward to our next visit.

Let’s build a house…

The children have been using their imaginations to recreate stories this week, we have been discussing the house in Hansel and Gretel. The children have been collecting natural resources during our park walks, using dough and natural resources and using pipes and connectors to create different sized doors, windows and floor plans of their own imaginative houses.

Mrs Gray



Wee Gardens Adventure…Recreating Stories PM

The ECC children continue to spend a large amount of their sessions in the outdoor areas of our setting. This week we have been exploring the ‘Wee Gardens’ area in Dunlop. The children are developing their skills of recreating stories in a wide variety of situations. As always we started our adventure by discussing  our safety rules, as this is a new area for the children to explore we discussed road and water safety prior to, during the journey and onsite. The PM children made some imaginative amendments to our rules as we discussed different things we need to look for, to help keep us safe – “The Graffalo – because he is spikey,” “Dragons – because they swoop down to pick you up,” “The Beast,” “Wolves” and “Killer Tomatoes!!!!”

The children spent time in the area exploring the large tyres finding small insects underneath the wooden mushrooms. They enjoyed watching the seed pods flying across the area as they were caught by the breeze. We had our snack in the walled area of the ‘Wee Gardens’ before returning the ECC, following the positive responses of the children we will return to this area frequently. “Liked it because it was FUN,” “It had climbing trees,” “Mud,” “‘cos of the swing,” “Had so much trees” “‘cos I like it,” “‘cos there was so many trees,” and “I don’t like slugs, I like snails.” We will need to go on a snail hunt next time with our magnifying glasses.

Mrs Gray

Park walk and playground fun.September 20 a.m group


Today due to super muddy conditions in the Mini forest we had a lovely park walk and then fun in the main playground.

The children investigated the leaves falling from the trees. They talked about the different colours and a few collected them bringing them back with us.

We then had a very splashy time in the playground as they enjoyed the variety of puddles. They talked about the size of puddles and how high the water might splash.

They found a spider in the drain and a slug on the wall. Each provided them a chance to observe and to talk about their habitat.

Snack was also outside in the outdoor classroom.

We finished off our morning with some outdoor songs and then it was time to remove their suits. Its much more challenging for children removing their wet suits than dressing in the dry ones and they are getting better each week.

Mini Forest week 2 SEPTEMBER 20 PM GROUP


On Friday our afternoon children had the lovely experience of our outdoor play. Due to the wet weather they showed great interest in the puddles. They chatted about the size of them and tried to estimate how deep they might be? Some of the children took great delight in jumping in the smaller puddles and exploring the grassy area.They also talked about what might happen if you got stuck in a puddle..how would you get out?

We look forward to our outdoor adventures next week.

Shape walk AM/PM

Today the children took part in a shape walk, they looked at a range of 2D and 3D shapes/objects in their local environment including buildings, gates, railings, signs, walls, trees and shrubs. The children’s understanding of shape continues to develop as they work in a variety of situations using their observation skills, to help each other find and describe the different shapes they find. The children recalled the shapes they found at the end of todays sessions, these included ovals, spheres, cubes, lots of rectangles, squares, circles and colourful spirals that were blowing in the breeze.

Mrs Gray