Sibling Fun and Lockdown Highlights of Home Learning

Good afternoon, I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying this beautiful weather.

I received an email showing these two adorable siblings enjoying so many fabulous home learning experiences and apparently these are just the highlights of what they have been doing in the last few weeks of closure

The little brother has mostly been following the P1 curriculum, as he always wants to do what is big sister is doing and big sister has been very positively role modelling and supporting him.

Sadly to begin with, they were at home for 2 weeks self isolating as the little brother was poorly, but they still managed to be outside in the garden every day, where they learnt about garden birds and made a bug hotel and hedgehog house.

Mummy reports he is now much better and they been spending as much time as possible outside, exploring and having adventures in Dunlop’s enchanted forest and fairy glen.

They have released their butterflies and they also enjoyed watching on the blog, Mrs Gray’s butterflies.

Last week they learned about WW2 and VE Day, including interviewing the children’s Nanny (mum’s mum) about what her parents did during the war.

They made junk model spitfires and V2 rockets and even had a mock air raid in their basement with snacks and torches. They finished the week with a VE Day party, including enjoying homemade scones and trifle. The children have loved it so much, they have been asking every day when they can have another VE Day party!

I’m sure you will all agree, these are super photographs! It is lovely to see the children so busy, happy, having fun and doing lots of amazing learning.

with kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

One thought on “Sibling Fun and Lockdown Highlights of Home Learning”

  1. Looks like you have both been really busy doing lots of fun activities hope you are all well and staying safe hopefully see you all again very soon xx

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