Our Butterflies

Caterpillar Song

I started as a tiny egg upon a leaf of green,

and now I stay upon a leaf so I will not be seen.

Soon I’ll build a chrysalis upon a limb so high,

I’ll stay a while and then come out and be a butterfly.

Two of our caterpillar’s have now emerged from their cacoons. They stayed in their home for a couple of days before I released them into my garden where they are enjoying looking for nectar in the flowers. We have two more butterflies waiting to emerge from their cacoons I will update you all on their progess.

Mrs Gray.

2 thoughts on “Our Butterflies”

  1. Well done Mrs Gray! Those butterflies are beautiful and i have loved watching their growing journey. They are having the loveliest weather to start their flight and look for flowers.regards Mrs Orr

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