

Thank you to all visitors who came to our Ancient Egyptian mini museum on Friday afternoon. We worked really hard and enjoyed showing you round .



Yesterday we all enjoyed our trip to Culzean. A ranger took us in groups on a woodland walk and helped us find minibeasts. We were able to look closely at them through viewing tubs before releasing them back carefully into their habitat. After a picnic in the sun and a long walk we enjoyed exploring all the fun places to play at the park before heading back to the bus happy but tired! Thanks to all our helpers.



This morning we were measuring things in the playground. We worked in groups using metre sticks to find out the length or height of different objects. One of our group had to write the length on a whiteboard then we compared our answers back in our classroom.

It ‘s a lovely day for working outside, P3!  (From Mrs O’Driscoll)



We are looking forward to a non-uniform day tomorrow and dressing up the teachers. Our donations are going to Oxfam. We have been learning where our money will go by watching a short film and taking notes of the important information and how it will be used to help others. As part of our Rights Respecting Schools activity we have investigated that we all have the right to eat healthy food, have clean water, learn and be paid fairly for work no matter where we live.

You raised a huge amount of money for Oxfam.  Well done.  (From Mrs O’Driscoll)



In P3 we have been learning how to write short notes with key words while carefully watching and listening to clips. These notes help us to remember important information which we have used to create posters about why it is good to walk to school and how to keep our beaches and seas clean fromlitter and other types of pollution.



During mental maths time we all try to think of the correct answers as quickly as we can. It is fun trying to beat the timer using activities like Hit the Button and Speed Challenge and it improves mental calculation.

Practice makes perfect, P3!  (From Mrs O’Driscoll)




Each group had to sort  sentences to tell how the pyramids were built . We had to read carefully and think hard. To solve the challenge we had to work together!


Primary 3 were doing Yoga recently.  This is from the Yoga teacher:

The YOGATHON Challenge, stretchfor a good cause!

The Yogathon will have 108 sun salutations taught in different styles they can be practised in any shape or form, from standing, lying down, visualising or sitting!

Also you don’t need to be there to join in, you can do it from your own location! For all levels & abilities, children are welcome to attend & take part! ALL the money raised will go to #BUYMSH appeal

Sunday, June 4th starts at 10.30 AM – 12.00 Noon 

Please arrive early for registration. There will be a raffle & light refreshments afterwards. You could win a yoga voucher for 1 year of classes, Bowen Therapy voucher, hamper of lots of goodies and so much more!

G-Fit Wellness Centre

No 3 Premier Building, Digital Estate, KA6 6BE Ayr

£15 Per Adult under 16ʼs go free – pay on the day or follow link

Contact Ruth at info@harmonsieyoga.co.uk or 07812434859 to book your

place or go to Facebook – Stretch for a good cause #BUYMSH Appeal


In class we have been learning about 3D shapes. We went on a 3D shape hunt in the playground and found that the water tank is cube shaped, the tyres are cylinders, a football is a sphere, the trim trail has cylinder shaped stumps for us to step along and the wooden bench in the outdoor classroom is a cuboid. We had great fun in the sun!


It looks like good fun taking learning outdoors into the sunshine!  (From Mrs O’Driscoll)


Primary 3 were finding information about the pyramids built by the Ancient Egyptians.

We found out that they built a huge pyramid which took 20 years to build.

Wow!  That’s a very long time!  (From Mrs O’Driscoll)