All posts by Miss Wallace

COP 26 and Glasgow Science Centre Renewables Challenge!

We have been learning about what is COP26 and how it hopes to tackle climate change. As part of our learning we are taking part in the Glasgow Science Centre Renewables Challenge. We have gained an understanding of different renewable energy sources and investigated how the shape of the turbine blade affects how well the blades turn through creating our own mini turbines.

Autumn Art

We have been using water colours and our knowledge of hot and cold colours to create our Autumn Art. You may spot more of our work in local shops and in our Harvest Assembly.

Wellbeing Champions Training

We have been taking part in training online with the Health and Wellbeing SAC Team to help us become more aware of mindfulness and our own and others wellbeing. We have enjoyed a variety of activities from yoga to singing.

This week is our last week of training before we need to decide if we would like to become a wellbeing champion.