
Hi and welcome to our fundraising group page.

Our group is made up of P1-P7 pupils from the Primary School and Communication centre. Our group members are:
Lalia – P6, Hunter – P2, Darci – P2, Derryn – P6, Noah – P2, Arloh- P1, Annalise- P7/6B CC, Piper – P2 CC, Jessica – P3, Brooke- P1, Riley P2 CC, Eden – P3, Aidan – P2 CC, OIiver – P2 CC, Fay – P3, Culain – P2 CC, Alex – P1/2 CC, Erin – P3, Angel – P2 CC, Coby – P1/2 CC, Mack – P1/2 CC, Sophia – P2 CC, Logan – P1/2 CC and Holden – P1/2 CC

Mrs Coulter and Mrs McMillan were delighted by the contribution of the children in the Fundraising group.
The children agreed to raise funds for the playground by running a tuck shop. They developed new skills including advertising, connecting with parents, packing , presenting items and selling them. The group raised £165, which will be used to purchase outdoor toys. Well done to our great wee group.

Fundraising Day – Live Life Give Life

On Friday 3rd May, we held a fundraising day at school to raise money for the charity ‘Live Life Give Life’. The day involved lots of different activities for the children to participate in including:
* A Treasure Hunt
* Decorating biscuits
* Sensory activities
* Playdough modelling
* Crafts
* Bouncy Castle
* Outdoor games
We then held a coffee afternoon in the school hall for parents and the local community where we had a bottle stall, knitting stall, raffle and bake stall to name a few.

The children have also been taking it in turns to take the fundraising trolley around the school where children have opportunity to purchase knitted bunnies, pocket hugs, knitted chicks and a variety of other items. All the money from which will be going to the charity.
With some funds still to come in, we have raised nearly £1900 so far!

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