Well P5, this is my last check-in for this year.
I cannot quite believe how our year has ended and I must say I have missed seeing you all each day. I loved my time in P5 with you all. I wish we had got to complete our ‘Dictionkelly’ and continued with our regular ‘Fun Facts’ and great time we were having together.
I am really looking forward to welcoming you all back in August and seeing you all in person.
I wish you all a very very happy summer holiday and hope that as lockdown hopefully eases, you will be able to meet with more friends and family.
This week’s cooking journey continued with meringues. I have never made them before but I must say they were delicious – especially with whipped cream – yum!
I have been out enjoying riding my horse in the evenings and during the weekends – especially when the weather has been kind to us – makes a change from getting soaked. I thought you would like to see a picture of Paddy chilling out in his stable and both him and Buster trying to say hello to my phone – extreme muzzle close up
Another busy week in the garden animal spotting. Daisy cat was keeping an eye on the ever growing number of baby bunnies which are visiting the garden. Last night there were 5 in a row! I also saw a baby Magpie which was sitting looking very confused, I think it must have just fledged its nest and was unsure what to do. Lastly, the sheep arrived back this week after being away to get sheared – busy time at Mrs Kelly’s house!
Dylan and I enjoyed a lovely walk at our local woods – Lainshaw Woods. We saw lots of different wild flowers, insects and fairy doors. Dylan loved exploring all the different wooded areas and we even found a rope swing too. It was a lovely day spent outdoors.
Remember to send me this week’s updates and keep at the Sumdog competition as we were nearly in the top 10!
Take care,
Mrs Kelly