Welcome back and I hope everyone had an enjoyable break.
P5 have been working hard today looking at New Year Resolutions and updating their personal and class targets for this term.
As a class, we felt our whole class targets were as follows:
Welcome back and I hope everyone had an enjoyable break.
P5 have been working hard today looking at New Year Resolutions and updating their personal and class targets for this term.
As a class, we felt our whole class targets were as follows:
Lots of lovely pictures. Really great blog- very informative and super to be able to see what the children have been doing in school and experiencing outside/on trips.
Well done. Please keep it up as its most appreciated.
I really like our targets and agree on all of them.
happy new year :/
I liked the 2020 targets when we wrote them
I am doing my best to follow my targets.