Hi Primary 1

It is lovely to be writing to you again.  How are you?  How did you get on with the learning grid from last week?  I’ve had a look at your progress with Education City and well done to everyone who has been trying so hard! If you are finding anything tricky, please get in touch and we will do our absolute best to help.

On Friday, it was 75 years since Germany agreed to stop fighting with other countries.  People were very excited by this and had lots of parties to celebrate the end of a very long war.  Families were happy because soldiers who were away bravely fighting in some other countries would be coming home.  To celebrate this special anniversary of VE Day, I decided to try to bake some scones.

Baking is not a skill I am very good at, but I like learning new things.  I gathered everything I would need to make scones and I realised that my senses were really going to help make baking easier.

When I looked at my ingredients it was difficult to see how I could add these together to make anything tasty.

Following the recipe, I measured out the ingredients and put them into a large bowl.  The recipe said I was to rub the flour, sugar, baking powder and butter together.  Look at the photo below, how do you think that would feel?

Next, I mixed in the egg and milk into the bowl to make a sticky dough.  After rolling out the dough and cutting the scones into their scone shapes, I put them into the oven and set the timer.  As the scones baked, they filled the kitchen with the most delicious smell, and I felt hopeful that they could be tasty!

I heard the timer on the cooker beep and (keeping my fingers crossed) opened the oven door.  Primary 1, I am so happy to tell you that they tasted delicious!

Thank you for reading about my baking experience this week, boys and girls.  Perhaps you could try baking at home this week or take part in another activity which uses lots of your senses.  Take care, keep safe and stay well everyone.

Mrs O’Neill

One thought on “”

  1. Hi Mrs O’Neill
    The scones look lovely! I helped bake a lemon drizzle cake for VE day and it was delicious. This week I have been doing some Education City, some of the ordering coconuts from last week and my spelling with sentences. I have tried the o’clock worksheets while mum works from home. Robbie and I also walked 3.5 miles each with mum, she has sent the photos to Mrs Davidson as not sure how to post photos on here?! I’m hoping the sun shines bright again at the weekend to go another bike ride.
    Lily. x

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