P2/3 have been really enjoying carrying out money activities in numeracy. We have been calculating how much items cost, using coins to make different amounts and also giving change to one one another.
P2/3 have been really enjoying carrying out money activities in numeracy. We have been calculating how much items cost, using coins to make different amounts and also giving change to one one another.
We used our measuring and knife skills to make our entry for the school bake off. We can read and follow a recipe to prepare some delicious food using seasonal apples.
We went outdoors to measure objects that were 30cm long.
Primary 2 followed a recipe for apple cake and used their food preparation and maths skills to create a tasty cake.
P2/3 we’re enjoying learning lots about numbers to 100 and ordering numbers. We chose which ‘Thinking it through’ maths challenge we wanted to do, then played a race to 100 game.
Thank you to all the parents/carers who came to join our Health Open Morning. We played fruit bingo, working out how many teaspoonfuls of sugar are in some foods and used the laptops to make a healthy lunch box.
P1 have been learning about a child who lives in Kenya, Africa. We learnt that he lives in a house with only 1 room which measures 3m by 2.5m.
We went outside and measured how big his house would be.
10 pupils then lay down to see how much space everyone would have to sleep. P1 were surprised at how small it was!