P2/3 enjoyed their STEM challenges in class of – Building a marble run, building a bridge over water, tallest tower challenge and building a raft to float on water holding 2 Lego pieces. Everyone worked enthusiastically as a team.
P2/3 enjoyed their STEM challenges in class of – Building a marble run, building a bridge over water, tallest tower challenge and building a raft to float on water holding 2 Lego pieces. Everyone worked enthusiastically as a team.
P2/3 were confident individuals when they shared their learning about Katie Morag during assembly for parents, carers, friends and family. Well done P2/3!
Primary 2/3 had lots of fun following instructions to make their sock snowmen to sell at the Christmas Fayre.
We enjoyed a massage session out in the garden. We practised mindfulness too and used our senses and listened to sounds we could hear, things we could feel.
Thank you to all the parents/carers who came to join our Health Open Morning. We played fruit bingo, working out how many teaspoonfuls of sugar are in some foods and used the laptops to make a healthy lunch box.
P1 loved their session working with their P7 buddies on a range of circus skills.
What a fun afternoon in P1! Having learnt about Abu from Kenya, who makes his own car/truck toy using milk bottles and shoe boxes, we decided to make our own. These will also be our entries for the Gala Day Art Competition which had a recycling theme.
After all this hard work, this pupil transferred his skills into our construction area where he made a tractor with a trailer.