Weekly Grid

Morning P2/3,

We hope you had a great weekend with your families. We can’t believe there is only 2 weeks left of school! Here is your weekly learning grid along with all of the work you need to complete it. Please remember to only do what you can.

P2 p3 Weekly Grid- 15.6.20

Lockdown-Information-Handling Bar Graph

Bar Graph Template

White Rose Maths – Calendar (Time)

White Rose Maths – Time

For The Birds – Pixar animation reading lesson

Letter Layout

‘oi’ and common words sheet

Healthy Hearts- PE Challenge Card

My A-Z of nature

Photo Collage Guess

Starters for STEM

Oil Lava Lamp Experiment


4 thoughts on “Weekly Grid”

  1. Good morning from Amelia. Thank you for the school work. I am only doing a little bit today because it is my brother Logans birthday today. He has opened all his presents and we are going to have birthday cake later.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      That is lovely news that its your brother Logan’s birthday today. Enjoy all the celebrations and we hope he has a great day! You are right to only be doing a little bit today. You work so hard you deserve a break.
      Thanks Mrs McCallum & Mrs Eccleston x

  2. Hi everyone. how are you all doing ? Today I was learning the 7 times table and reading ”Princess Poppy Happy Ever After”. I am missing you all. xx

    1. Hi Gracie,
      Lovely to hear from you! Well done for learning your 7 times table you are working so hard on Sumdog and with your times tables. ‘Princess Poppy Happy Ever After’ sounds a great book, well done for keeping up your reading. I hope you and your mum and dad are getting on well. We miss you lots too and I’m sure all your friends do as well.
      Speak soon,
      Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston x

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