Morning P2/3,
We hope you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the amazing sunshine again!
Here is your weekly grid and attached activity sheets. Please remember to only do what you can manage. We would love to see your completed work.
Caterpillar Shoes Story –
Caterpillar Shoes Activity Sheets
French Colours Powerpoint – French Colours Powerpoint
French Colours -choose the appropriate sheet for you, remember to challenge yourself
Butteryfly Life Cycle Video –
Butterfly Life Cycle 2 – choose the approprite sheet for.
Monkey Drawing Link –
Good morning from Amelia. Thank you for the school work. I am looking forward to drawing my monkey and doing the catch and clap activity.
I have been outside in my paddling pool all weekend.
Morning Amelia, sounds like you had a great weekend. We were on our slip n slide all weekend too!
I’m pleased you are looking forward to the work this week. Enjoy the sunshine as much as you can.