Wednesday Check In


We hope you are all well. Mrs McCallum and I have been busy and you can look at our photos to see what we have been up to. We look forward to hearing what you have been doing.

We have playing lots of games outside including Charades, Twister and cards. We also set up the tent as a chill out area and we have been taking the dog a walk daily. We also made some delicious Empire biscuits and we have been completing school work, gardening and we had a BBQ. We have enjoyed being out in the sun and having picnics in the garden and reading. We have kept fit by doing Joe Wicks and going for a run.

Mrs McCallum had a busy week and weekend. She was busy helping with school work although it was hard to get back into a routine after the holidays. She made a Spring picture with Beth and Zack and taught Zack all about symmetry when creating a butterfly. She enjoyed relaxing on her hammock she bought when travelling to Thailand 20 years ago! Beth and Zack enjoyed played in the sand pit and they’ve been keeping fit doing the challenge. They made Oreo fudge and built Sam’s gaming desk which took all day! Beth made her breakfast in bed which was a lovely treat and Zack learnt to skip. They also had fun having a water fight!

If anyone is looking for some books to listen to for free try

Weekly Learning Grid 27th April 2020


I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine. Last week Douglas made up a workout for part of the ‘PE with Joe homework’, why not give it a try or create your own. Enjoy selecting activities from the Learning Grid and we look forward to you sharing your learning with us. We have also attached some worksheets with answers if you wish to use them and a resource from  e-Sgoil.

Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston


P2 p3 Weekly Grid- 27..4.20



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Easter Holiday Fun!

We are really looking forward to hearing from you all and to find out what you got up to during the holidays. Here are some photos of what Mrs Eccleston and I did with our families during the Easter break.

Mrs Eccleston enjoyed the sunshine and was able to go lots of family walks with her dog. She was very busy baking lots of lovely treats, including a special cake for her dogs birthday. They painted, decorated and rolled their Easter eggs and made some outdoor art and arrays using pine cones they found on their family walk. They also had a family art afternoon where they drew some beautiful lighthouses.

I had a very busy holiday too, the weather helped to make it more fun and we were able to go out in our garden most days. We celebrated Sam’s 13th birthday, where we made an obstacle course and had a water balloon fight. We had lots of BBQ’s and fires with toasted marshmallows. We had an Easter Egg hunt and a Family Come Dine With Me night, Beth and I were on dessert and made chocolate pots. We created a large rainbow with paint and feathers to say thank you to all the Keyworkers and NHS. I power hosed my driveway and got very dirty! Beth and Zack built the tent in the garden and made it into their own den.

Weekly Learning Grid – 20.4.20

Morning P2/3, we hope you all enjoyed some relaxing time with your family at home over the Easter holidays.  The weather was beautiful and helped to keep us busy during this time. We are really looking forward to hearing all about the different things you have been getting up to. We are missing you all lots.  We will be posting our photos and news with you again on Wednesday about what we have been up to with our families during the holidays.

Stay safe. 😊

Learning Grids – Please see below this weeks learning grid. Remember tasks are not mandatory and should be agreed with adults at home when it bests suits you and your family routine.

Daily Live Events – We have also included the daily live events for you again.

Enjoy learning and we look forward to hearing from you all.

Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston

P2 p3 Weekly Grid- 20.4.20

Daily Live Events

Hello from Mrs McCallum and Mrs Eccleston

Hi Primary 2/3,

We hope you are all doing really well and managing to keep yourselves busy. We have been trying really hard too and got up to lots of things over the past week.

Mrs McCallum has celebrated Beth’s 10th birthday with her, baked, cycled, played monopoly, played family games on the Switch,  walked, kept fit with Jo Wicks, played balloon pop with Zack and Words with Friends with my mum. I have also been keeping really busy helping Sam, Zack and Beth with all their school work too!

Mrs Eccleston has been busy walking her dog, baking, painting outside, creating natural art, kept fit with Jo Wicks, played family games and helping Alistair, Ruby and Isla with all their school work too.

Here are some photos of what we have been getting up to.

Take care P2/3 we are missing you all. 😊