All posts by Miss Murdoch

Weekly Roundup

The pupils in P5/6 have had a very busy start to term 4!

The pupils have been exploring the concept of probability this week by participating in various practical activities. They were also able to calculate the probability of events using fractions.

The pupils have also started their new term 4 topic where they will learn about what ‘fast fashion’ is and why we have this industry. By checking the labels on their clothes, the pupils found that many of the items of clothing they owned were made in countries outside of the UK. Using an atlas, the pupils researched where their clothes were made and created information posters to inform others about these countries.


Weekly Roundup


The pupils completed their biographies on Andy Warhol in literacy this week. They were able to explain various aspects of the artists childhood, career and old age.


The P5/6 pupils also finished off their angle, position and movement topic with some outdoor learning this week. The pupils used chalk to create grids and plotted various features on their grids to create their very own island. Orren has demonstrated a wonderful example of his grid with all coordinates written to the side to show where you can locate each feature!

Other Curricular Areas 

Finally, the P5/6 pupils have had a blast putting their inventive skills to work to create some amazing egg designs!


Weekly Roundup


As part of their ‘Pop Art’ topic, the pupils in P5/6 have spent time researching Andy Warhol this week. The pupils then used the information they gathered to write a biography on this famous artist.


The pupils are continuing to develop their knowledge of position and movement in maths this week. So far, the pupils have explored grid references and can confidently plot and identify coordinates.

Other Curricular Areas

The P6 pupils really enjoyed spending time with their buddies during their literacy morning. Additionally, the P5 pupils used this time to get to know the P1s.

Also take a look at some more of our pupils amazing landmarks which they created at home!


Weekly Roundup


The P5/6 pupils have been exploring poetry in literacy. They were able to identify features of a limerick and could use this knowledge to write some funny limericks of their own!


In maths, the pupils have been learning to give directions using the appropriate language. The pupils used their knowledge of this to guide their partners around obstacle courses of their own creation.

Other Curricular Areas 

In science  the pupils explored how to use a classification key to identify various animals. They were then able to use these skills to create their own classification key for several polar animals.

The pupils also produced amazing artwork using Andy Warhol’s ‘bottle lined’ technique as they continue to explore features of ‘Pop Art’.

The pupils also enjoyed dressing down and creating their own red nose designs for ‘Red Nose Day’.

Weekly Roundup


After weeks of hard work the P5/6 pupils have now completed their non-chronological report on the ‘Polar Regions’. They have included lots of thorough research, annotated maps and diagrams, and much more.


In maths, the pupils have been linking their knowledge of angles to directions and compass points. This has involved creating journeys using ICT and programmable toys.

Other Curricular Areas

P5/6 pupils participated in their last rugby session this week. The pupils had lots of fun and enjoyed showing their competitive side as they played a game of American football.

As part of their ‘Polar Regions’ topic, the pupils have been learning about the continents and were set a homework challenge to create a famous landmark. Take a look at some of their amazing creations!


Weekly roundup


The pupils are focusing on a new genre this week in writing. They have been researching several polar animals and will use this information to create a non- chronological report on the polar regions.


P5/6 are continuing with angles this week. The pupils have been learning to compare and order angles and are now investigating angles in triangles!

Other Curricular Areas

The pupils in P5/6 have been focusing on kindness and friendship this week. They are also looking forward to starting our very own ‘Catrine Compliments’ on Monday!


Weekly Roundup

P5/6 have had a busy start to February!



The pupils have been learning to use direct speech in their writing using macaroni! They have also been focusing on letter writing this week and have written some amazing letters to people who inspire them.


P5/6 have enjoyed taking learning outdoors in maths this week when learning about angles. All pupils were able to name and label different types of angles and could identify examples in the outdoor environment.

Other Curricular Areas

Pupils are moving onto netball in P.E and have been focusing on their passing skills.