The pupils began reading a new short story in literacy this week named ‘The Tunnel’. The pupils firstly read the blurb on the back of the book and used their prior knowledge to design a front cover. Additionally, throughout this story the pupils have used their knowledge of comprehension strategies to explore inference, character profiles, as well as learning to use a thesaurus to improve their vocabulary. The pupils have continued to explore persuasive writing this week as they learned to create a leaflet to persuade people to think about their fashion choices.
The pupils have continued to develop their knowledge of fractions in maths this week as they begin to identify equivalent fractions using bar models and their knowledge of multiples. The pupils have also focused on ordering unit fractions by comparing denominators.
Other Curricular Areas
As part of ‘World of Work Day’ the pupils researched and created a poster to show the skills and qualities needed for their chosen career. This poster can be used to support their ‘Big Talk’.
Additionally, P5/6 have now completed their badminton sessions for this term. The pupils were able to demonstrate the many skills they have learnt during some competitive games.