Weekly Roundup!

Another exciting week for P5/6!


P5/6 have been exploring the poem ‘Willie Wastle’ by Robert Burns. The pupils listened carefully to the poem and were able to use visualisation to draw a picture of what Willie Wastle’s wife looked like. The pupils in P5/6 have also been learning to write a newspaper report this week.  This involved interviewing a witness and gathering information using the 5 W’s to write their report.


Additionally, the pupils have been learning to round money in maths this week and can now confidently use this strategy when purchasing various items.

Other Curricular Areas

As part of their Scottish topic, P5/6 have been investigating Scottish clans. The pupils were able to recognise different clans by looking at their tartan and crest. They were then able to research their chosen clan names such as Campbell, Gordon and Fraser.

The pupils have also enjoyed participating in strings again this week and look forward to learning to play new songs on their instruments!



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