Weekly round-up

The children did a fantastic job with their talks this week.  They were all so brave to stand up in front of everyone and talk about their favourite toys.  We are so proud of them all.

This week we were learning the ‘g; sound and the ‘l’ sound. We had fun using gloop and making lemonade.

In maths we have been learning how to write addition calculations using the + and = signs

Our stars of the day are:

Monday – Layla for doing a super Big Talk

Tuesday – Riley for great tidying

Wednesday – Braxton for wonderful detail in his writing

Thursday – Logan B for brilliant tidying and super singing

Friday – Quinn for fantastic singing

And a big congratulations to Logan R and Calli for winning joint pupil of the week by earning the most dojo points.

Nativity Lines

The children have been involved in deciding parts for our nativity video and those that want a speaking part have now been sent home with their words. These are in their book bags. Please practise the lines at home. All children will take part in our performance and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Weekly Roundup 26.11.21

Mrs Schendel has spent lots of time with Primary 1 this week and has been super impressed with all the amazing work all the children have been doing.

The children have been consolidating all the sounds they have learned so far, working on their formation and blending sounds together to make words.

As part of our Toys topic, Mrs Ferguson brought out the dressing up box and the children had great fun dressing up as chefs, fire fighters, wolves and so much more.

We learned all about how important it is to ‘Be Bright, Be Seen” when out walking in the dark winter nights. P4, our Junior Road Safety Officers, set us a competition to design a bright hoodie.


We are looking forward to hearing all the children”s talks next week.  Please look back at previous post for a reminder of what is expected and for the day your child will be asked to do their presentation.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Schendel



Numeracy Homework: Two Dogs

Please find this weeks Numeracy Homework ‘Two Dogs’ in your child’s Scrapbook (in their book bags).  This activity is all about counting using the picture of the two dogs as a starter and relates to what we are learning in class.

Please click on the link below to view the activity:

Two Dogs

Some helpful hints:  Talk about the same, different, double, one more than, one less than, ensure your child points and counts, talk about one back leg that cannot be seen but should be counted.

This homework should be handed back in by/on Monday 29th November. 

Have fun!


Big Talk Reminder: ‘My Favourite Toy’


Just a reminder to keep practising this week for our Big Talk next week.  Please see previous blog post or letter in book bag for the details.  Below are the details of when your child will present their talk.  Remember they may bring in any props (toy/drawings etc) on their specific day.  We are really looking forward to hearing all about their favourite toy!

Monday 29th:    Ayla, Callum, Logan R and Layla

Tuesday 30th:  Braxton, Charlotte, Rhys and Calli

Wednesday 1st:  Allan, Adam, Riley and Ava

Thursday 2nd:  Miley, Carter, Quinn and Logan B

If you have any questions, please email us at eajill.ferguson@glow.sch.uk and eaerin.cook@glow.sch.uk

Thanks again!

Wk ending 19.11.21

What a busy week we had last week.  Firstly, a big Well Done to all our Stars of the Week and an extra Well Done to our Dojo pupils of the week, Braxton and Allan!

We continued learning new sounds.  This week was ‘c’ and ‘k’ so some activities included us constructing castles, creating cards and designing crowns for kings! Remember to keep going over the sounds in the book bags.

We also had lots of fun celebrating Children In Need on Friday with lots of activities in class.  And we are continuing to learn about toys so we had fun investigating some ‘old’ toy spinning tops.

Water and Ice Fun and Scottish Book Week

This week we have been investigating ice and water and have LOVED using syringes to measure (and skoosh!)

To celebrate Scottish Book Week, we have been enjoying reading the books from our Bookbug packs (which children will bring home shortly)  Today we read ‘Arlo, The Lion Who Couldn’t Sleep’ and enjoyed creating our own ‘Arlo’ collage lions and painted ‘Owl’. 

Big Talk Homework: My Favourite Toy

Twice a year, the children take part in our whole school ‘Big Talk Homework Challenge’.  This is where your child gets the opportunity to prepare and present a talk to the class.  The topic will change depending on the focus for that term.  This term we are learning all about Toys so the talk is called ‘My Favourite Toy’.  At home, your child should prepare and practise their talk all about their favourite toy.

Some ideas to include in their talk might be:

  • What is their toy called?
  • Who/where/when did they get their toy?
  • Why is it special to them?
  • What games do they like playing with their toy?
  • Draw a picture of their toy to show during their talk

The talk should be ready to be presented the week bg 29th November.  More details will be given shortly about which day that week your child will be giving their talk.  They can bring any pictures or toy in from home on that day.

We look forward to hearing all about the toys!


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