Big Talk Homework


Twice a year, the children take part in our whole school ‘Big Talk Homework Challenge’.  This is where your child gets the opportunity to prepare and present a talk to the class.  The topic will change depending on the focus for that term.  This term we will be having a World of Work day so the title of the talk will be ‘When I grow up, I would like to be…’.   At home, your child should prepare and practise their talk.

Some ideas to include in their talk might be:

  • What job would they like to do when they are older?
  • Why they would like the job?
  • What skills or equipment they might need for the job?
  • A picture/drawing/poster about their chosen job


The talk should be ready to be presented the week bg Monday 6th June. More details will be given shortly (please check Blog) about which day that week your child will be giving their talk.

We look forward to hearing about what they would like to be!


Week Ending 13th May

We had great fun this week in Primary 1.  Here are a few pictures from our busy week.

We really enjoyed going on our walk around the village.

We continued our work on patterns in maths and tried to make some more complex patterns this week. We also started to look at number patterns such as counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  Perhaps you could practice this at home.

We had great fun playing out in the Imagination Station with Mrs Cooper.  We have turned it into a Police Station and the children were exploring different ways of measuring.

We worked hard on our dictation this week, using our sounds and key words to write sentences.

We had another lovely visit from the ECC children who came to see where they will be working when they are in P1 next year. It was great fun playing with them and showing them all our lovely resources.

Finally, we would like to say a HUGE congratulations to Logan B who won second place in the Catrine Show Art competition. We were so proud of him! Well Done, Logan!


Homework wk bg 9th May

Maths Homework:  Pairs of socks

This week in class we are talking about patterns ( as well as the ‘ck’ sound in sock) so the activity is all about counting in 2s.   Please return Scrapbooks by Friday 13th May.

We also enjoyed singing along to this video today in class:

Reading Books

New reading books have been issued today.  Please enjoy reading them at home and return to school by Friday 13th May.

Thanks again,

Mrs Ferguson

Week Ending 6th May

We had a short but fun-filled week in Primary One this week.

On Tuesday it was Mrs Ferguson’s very special birthday so we made her cards and a beautiful banner to surprise her. It was also Riley’s birthday so he got the first piece of the yummy chocolate cake was got for Mrs F!

In Maths this week we have been continuing to learn about symmetry and started learning about pattern too.

Another busy week in Primary One

What a busy week we have had! At the beginning of the week some of the children were showing an interest in magnets so Mrs Ferguson got lots of magnets out for them to explore.

In Maths we have been learning about Symmetry and we made symmetrical models and paintings and played a game where we had to match our partner’s pegs to make it symmetrical.

On Thursday afternoon the Primary 7 buddies asked if they could lead our PE session outside so they played parachute games with us and we had great fun.

On Monday afternoon and Friday morning we had some transition events with the children from the ECC who are coming into P1 after the summer.  Some of us went down to the ECC and some stayed up in the class and we had so much fun playing with the new children and showing them around our class and exploring the ECC.

Enjoy your long Weekend.  We will see you back on Tuesday when we will be celebrating Mrs Ferguson’s very special birthday (The children guessed 90!!)

Reading Books and Maths Homework

Reading Books

Today we have sent home a reading book in the book bags.  Please read them with your child, encouraging them to talk about the story and use the strategies we’ve learned in class to help them read some of the words  ie Can they sound (or stretch) out the word?  Does the picture help?  Is it one of our common words?

These will be handed out on a Monday and collected in on a Friday. (Tuesday next week due to Monday holiday)

Please make sure the books are looked after and kept in the book bags as we are very limited to the number of books we have at each stage that can be sent home.  Your child will need to bring in the last book before a new book is issued.

Maths Homework

The maths challenge this week is all about sharing.  It is called Burying Bones.  Please see details in maths scrapbook or click on link below:

Burying bones

This homework should be completed and handed in on Friday 29th April.

Thanks again for your continued support,

Mrs Ferguson




Fun in the Sun!

We had so much fun playing outside yesterday afternoon.  We developed our gross motor skills by building, climbing, jumping and balancing.  We had been talking about the Queen’s upcoming Platinum Jubilee and some of the children used this as inspiration to build a giant throne to sit on.

We also drew with the chalks and had fun chilling out in the sunshine.  We finished our afternoon with a lovely story outside.

The Last Week of Term Three

What a busy week we have had! We had great fun on our walk to the park.

We loved playing with our new coloured scarves.

We made some lovely Easter themed crafts.

We decorated our Easter Eggs for the competition.  Don’t they look fabulous?

Congratulations to Charlotte whose Minnie Mouse egg was picked as the winner.

Today the P7s had organised a fun day and we went outside for some sports activities and an egg hunt.

Mrs Ferguson and I wish you a very Happy Easter and hope you all have a lovely time off.  We will see you back on Tuesday 19th April ready to start term four.

A Fun Week in Primary One

We had great fun playing outside with the older children this week.

In maths we have been learning to make amounts up to 10p using different coins.

Look at this amazing example of teamwork when completing the jigsaw.

Here are our VIPs for the week.  They all enjoyed getting some fantastic compliments from the other children and staff.

The report cards were sent home today so we hope you enjoy looking through them and finding out how wonderful your children are.  Remember to check the book bags for a special gift for all the Mums for Sunday!

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