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Week Ending 12/11/21

Congratulations to our Stars of the Day. They all worked so hard this week.

Congratulations also to Calli who was our Dojo points Pupil of the Week.

Here are some of the fun things we got up to this week.

In literacy we have been learning the sounds ‘d’  as in drum and ‘e’ as in egg. I have added the new sounds to the children’s sound cards in their book bags if they brought them today.  It is really important to remember these every day so we can add new sounds when we need to.

The children have brought home lots of pictures today in their book bags.  Can we please ask that they get emptied before returning on Monday.  The only items that should ever be in the bags are their sound cards, sound jotters and their maths scrapbooks.  Everything else such as pictures and the Toucan boxes should be taken out and kept at home.

Thank you for all the maths homework handed in.  If you haven’t had the chance to complete it yet I have kept the scrapbooks in the book bags and it can be handed in on Monday.

Mrs Cook

Numeracy Homework

Please find the next numeracy maths homework sheet in your child’s Scrapbook (in book bag) This week is ‘The Number Five’: How many ways can you show five or find the number 5? You’ll find lots of ideas on the sheet. This is due back in school by Friday 12th November. Please remember you can email any pictures of the work to us at: and We look forward to seeing what you find!

Amazing Homework and Super Star Learners

Thank  you so much for all the effort put into the Maths homework this week.  We were blown away with the amazing work you have been doing at home.  Here are some examples of the fantastic work that was handed in.

We will be issuing new homework on Monday and can’t wait to see what amazing work you produce.

Well done to all our Stars of the Day for this week.

Finally a big well done to Allan who was our Pupil of the week for earning the most Dojo points.



Hallowe’en Fun

We had such a good time today for our Hallowe’en fun day.  I thought I was going to have to actually scrape them off the ceiling this morning as they were so excited to come in and show off their costumes.

We started off the morning by watching ‘Room on the Broom’ on the big board. We closed all the blinds and it was just like being at the pictures.

We managed to get some maths and literacy work done even though we were SOOOOO EXCITED for the party. We joined up with Primary 2 and had a party room for dancing and an activity room for chilling out with some spooky activities.

Busy start!

What a busy start we have had to our week in Primary 1! We’ve been using the magnetic letters to help consolidate our sounds, looking after babies, building houses with swimming pools and even managed to fit in some spooky Halloween ghost crafts!


We really miss having our parents/carers in school to see all the fabulous learning that is taking place.

Mrs Schendel would love a blether with parents/carers of P1 parents about all things maths and will be in the main playground on Tuesday 26th October at 2.45pm.

Please come along and ask any questions you may have in supporting your child with their maths homework or to ask about the maths work taking place in the P1 classroom.

We still need to follow Covid-19 regulations so please remember to wear a face covering, unless exempt, and maintain social distancing.

If you are unable to attend but have any maths related questions you would like to ask please e-mail me at:

We look forward to seeing you then.

Week ending 22nd October

We have had great fun doing some Hallowe’en activities in maths this week.

We also had so much fun playing with the biggest box ever! We drew all over it and had fun playing inside it too.

We also had great fun building assault courses outside and building roads and ramps with the blocks

We have been consolidating the a,t,s,i,p and n sounds this week and will continue doing this next week too.