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Our Busy Week in P1

At the beginning of the week we had a wee visit from Primary 7 who came down to play with us.  We had great fun showing them all our favourite activities.

This week we have been working on 3D shape in maths as well as learning the “th” and “ch” sounds in literacy.  We also had great fun in the gym hall with the parachute.

This week in Primary 1 and Primary 2

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day.  We read  favourite books that some of us had brought from home.  We talked about who we liked to share books with and drew pictures to show us reading our favourite book together.  In the afternoon Primary 6/7 came to our class to read with us. We loved listening to their stories and then they stayed to play with us a while!  Primary 6 and 7 have also recorded books for us to enjoy on the iPads.

On Friday we had great fun outside. We used our imagination to build a pirate ship, created a jail in our new den and worked together with the P3’s to design a ball run using guttering.


Fun Day Friday

We had such a fun day today.  The Primary 7s organised a ‘Friday Fun Day’ for us, full of amazing activities.  We started off the day with a Scavenger Hunt where we had to search for specific objects in the class.

Then we completed a drawing and building challenge.  They asked us to draw a picture of our favourite season and build a chair using the construction materials.

After lunch we went outside to complete our final challenges.  Declan, Bailey and Layla from P7 had set up some sports activities for us such as Beat the Goalie and an obstacle course.  We had so much fun.

We would like to say a HUGE “Thank You” to Primary 7 for organising such a fun day.


Numeracy Homework

Our numeracy homework is all about coins and money.  In class, the children have been working hard to recognise coins up to £2 so this is a great game to help them with this.

This task can be found in the Scrapbook in the book bag.  Please complete and return to school by Friday 25th February.

As an extra challenge, you could talk to your child about making different totals to 10p, using the coins.

Have fun,

Mrs Ferguson


What We’ve Been up to this Week

In maths we have started to learn about money.  We have been trying to identify coins from 1p up to £2.  This would be a great thing for you to practise at home.  Next week we are going to start using coins to make amounts up to 10p.

We rearranged the classroom to give us more room for our construction area as we recently received some brilliant new wooden blocks.  We have had great fun building some amazing models and we even created a Zombie Apocalypse town after learning the ‘z’ sound this week.

We have also enjoyed getting creative with the paints this week.


Our day for using the Gym hall is a Thursday so if you haven’t already done so, please send in a bag with a pair of shorts and trainer/gym shoes.  These can be kept safely in the school, on the children’s pegs and it will mean we can use the hall on other days if the timetable changes unexpectedly.

Numeracy Homework

This week our Numeracy Homework is called Roll Over and uses the fun song to help the children talk about subtraction.  We discussed in class all the different things you could use as ‘teddies’ so you could act out the song while you are singing.  I hope you enjoy it!  As it is a holiday on Friday, please return to school by Thursday 10th February.

Thanks again,

Mrs Ferguson

Our Week in Primary 1

We got to test out some of the amazing new outdoor resources that the school has recently purchased.  On Monday we tried out the giant Polydron and had great fun making models and structures.

On Thursday we made an obstacle course with the new balance beams and wooden blocks. It started off nice and easy in a straight line and then it progressed to having obstacles to step over and then they pulled pieces apart to make it much trickier to navigate.

We have also been working so hard in class this week and have continued to focus on subtraction in numeracy.

Our Busy Week in Primary One

We have had such a busy week here in Primary One.  In literacy we were learning the ‘j’ and ‘v’ sounds. We played in jelly,  built volcanoes, designed a village and pretended to be vets.  It was so much fun.  The new sounds are in the book bags for you to practise at home.


For our writing this week we made delicious jam sandwiches and we then wrote a set of instructions.  We even took our crusts out to feed the birds so there was no waste.

In maths we have been working on Subtraction within ten and have been learning to use a number line to help us work out the calculations.

Finally, we started our new topic on Lunar New Year today and we watched a video clip of two children explaining how they celebrate this wonderful festival.  The children in the video cleaned the whole house and then decorated it with beautiful red banners.  This inspired us to do the same with our house corner and we even made some of our own lovely banners which we will display next week.