All posts by Mrs Ferguson

Numeracy Homework

Our numeracy homework is all about coins and money.  In class, the children have been working hard to recognise coins up to £2 so this is a great game to help them with this.

This task can be found in the Scrapbook in the book bag.  Please complete and return to school by Friday 25th February.

As an extra challenge, you could talk to your child about making different totals to 10p, using the coins.

Have fun,

Mrs Ferguson


Numeracy Homework

This week our Numeracy Homework is called Roll Over and uses the fun song to help the children talk about subtraction.  We discussed in class all the different things you could use as ‘teddies’ so you could act out the song while you are singing.  I hope you enjoy it!  As it is a holiday on Friday, please return to school by Thursday 10th February.

Thanks again,

Mrs Ferguson

Food Activities

This term we are investigating functional writing including learning to write instructions. Tomorrow we are planning to make jam sandwiches and then write our instructions.

This week we have also been playing with ‘jelly’ as part of our ‘j’ sound and the children have came up with the idea of experimenting  to make their own ‘jelly’.  They helped write a shopping list of the ingredients and we plan to make this next week.

Please contact the school if you have any questions or allergies for any of these activities.

Thanks again,

Mrs Ferguson

Numeracy Homework

We have started our fortnightly numeracy homework this week.  Please find the details of the activity in your child’s Scrapbook in their bookbag.  This should be completed and returned to school by Friday 28th January.

Or click on the link below for the activity:

Dice bingo

Also this week, please keep practising ‘The Crocodile’ poem, sounds and common word cards.  We are very impressed with the poems already!

Illustration of a smiling crocodile on a white background

Thanks again,

Mrs Ferguson

Update: wk bg 10th January

Common Words

By the end of the week, the children will all be sent home with lists of common words. (These will be added to as we go through the year). It is really important that these are practised at home as this will have a positive impact on reading and writing in class. Some ideas of activities you could do with them could be:

  • Read them aloud and say a sentence with the word in it.
  • Write them (fancy letters, coloured pencils, type them)
  • Find them in books
  • Write 2 sets on paper and play ‘match the words’ memory game
  • Make your own fun game using the words: find them hidden in the house, bingo etc

Have fun and thanks again for all your support!

PE: Walk Around Catrine

We plan to start having a weekly walks around the village as part of our Health and Wellbeing, as well as linking to our Scotland topic. These walks will be on Tuesday afternoons, however this may change due to weather. Please check blog regularly for any changes. Suitable footwear and clothing should be worn on these days.

Reading Wise and Sumdog

Your child has now been sent home with a ‘Passport’ with login details for Reading Wise and Sumdog. These can be played at home.
Links are below:

Reading Wise:



Nativity Lines

The children have been involved in deciding parts for our nativity video and those that want a speaking part have now been sent home with their words. These are in their book bags. Please practise the lines at home. All children will take part in our performance and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Numeracy Homework: Two Dogs

Please find this weeks Numeracy Homework ‘Two Dogs’ in your child’s Scrapbook (in their book bags).  This activity is all about counting using the picture of the two dogs as a starter and relates to what we are learning in class.

Please click on the link below to view the activity:

Two Dogs

Some helpful hints:  Talk about the same, different, double, one more than, one less than, ensure your child points and counts, talk about one back leg that cannot be seen but should be counted.

This homework should be handed back in by/on Monday 29th November. 

Have fun!