Week Ending 12/11/21

Congratulations to our Stars of the Day. They all worked so hard this week.

Congratulations also to Calli who was our Dojo points Pupil of the Week.

Here are some of the fun things we got up to this week.

In literacy we have been learning the sounds ‘d’  as in drum and ‘e’ as in egg. I have added the new sounds to the children’s sound cards in their book bags if they brought them today.  It is really important to remember these every day so we can add new sounds when we need to.

The children have brought home lots of pictures today in their book bags.  Can we please ask that they get emptied before returning on Monday.  The only items that should ever be in the bags are their sound cards, sound jotters and their maths scrapbooks.  Everything else such as pictures and the Toucan boxes should be taken out and kept at home.

Thank you for all the maths homework handed in.  If you haven’t had the chance to complete it yet I have kept the scrapbooks in the book bags and it can be handed in on Monday.

Mrs Cook



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