Another busy week in Primary One

What a busy week we have had! At the beginning of the week some of the children were showing an interest in magnets so Mrs Ferguson got lots of magnets out for them to explore.

In Maths we have been learning about Symmetry and we made symmetrical models and paintings and played a game where we had to match our partner’s pegs to make it symmetrical.

On Thursday afternoon the Primary 7 buddies asked if they could lead our PE session outside so they played parachute games with us and we had great fun.

On Monday afternoon and Friday morning we had some transition events with the children from the ECC who are coming into P1 after the summer.  Some of us went down to the ECC and some stayed up in the class and we had so much fun playing with the new children and showing them around our class and exploring the ECC.

Enjoy your long Weekend.  We will see you back on Tuesday when we will be celebrating Mrs Ferguson’s very special birthday (The children guessed 90!!)

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