A Fun Week in Primary One

We had great fun playing outside with the older children this week.

In maths we have been learning to make amounts up to 10p using different coins.

Look at this amazing example of teamwork when completing the jigsaw.

Here are our VIPs for the week.  They all enjoyed getting some fantastic compliments from the other children and staff.

The report cards were sent home today so we hope you enjoy looking through them and finding out how wonderful your children are.  Remember to check the book bags for a special gift for all the Mums for Sunday!

Our Busy Week in P1

At the beginning of the week we had a wee visit from Primary 7 who came down to play with us.  We had great fun showing them all our favourite activities.

This week we have been working on 3D shape in maths as well as learning the “th” and “ch” sounds in literacy.  We also had great fun in the gym hall with the parachute.

This week in Primary 1 and Primary 2

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day.  We read  favourite books that some of us had brought from home.  We talked about who we liked to share books with and drew pictures to show us reading our favourite book together.  In the afternoon Primary 6/7 came to our class to read with us. We loved listening to their stories and then they stayed to play with us a while!  Primary 6 and 7 have also recorded books for us to enjoy on the iPads.

On Friday we had great fun outside. We used our imagination to build a pirate ship, created a jail in our new den and worked together with the P3’s to design a ball run using guttering.