Weekly Round Up

What a busy, busy week we’ve had in Primary 1!  As well as practising hard for and filming the Nativity Play we have been working our socks off in Numeracy and Literacy too.

This week we learned the ‘f’ and ‘o’ sounds.  We looked at things that float for the ‘f’ sound and we peeled and ate oranges and made a  playdough octopus for the ‘o’ sound.

In Numeracy we have been working on adding on 1 and 2.

We have been working hard in the afternoons too, building, drawing and playing with our friends.

We are so proud of Charlotte for winning the JRSO competition.

We all thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner today.  The dinner ladies cooked us an amazing meal.  Everything was so delicious.

Our Stars of the Day this week were:

Carter for super progress in his work, Charlotte for winning the JRSO competition, Braxton for building an amazing model with the blocks, Miley for being very kind and helpful to others and Riley for working hard and maths and being a super tidier.

Allan was our Dojo pupil of the week with the most points.


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