Christmas Party

We had a wonderful time at our Christmas party yesterday.  The children had so much fun dancing and playing party games in the hall.  We played Corners, Pass the Parcel and Musical Statues.  We even had a visit from a very special guest!

When we got back to the classroom we were so excited to see that Santa had left us a present.  We then had a party snack and finished the afternoon off with a classroom disco.

Mrs Ferguson and I had such a lovely afternoon with all the children.  They had the best manners and showed off some of the most amazing dance moves we have ever seen!

If you would like a proper copy of your child’s individual photo from above, please email me at and I’ll send it to you.

Weekly Round Up

What a busy, busy week we’ve had in Primary 1!  As well as practising hard for and filming the Nativity Play we have been working our socks off in Numeracy and Literacy too.

This week we learned the ‘f’ and ‘o’ sounds.  We looked at things that float for the ‘f’ sound and we peeled and ate oranges and made a  playdough octopus for the ‘o’ sound.

In Numeracy we have been working on adding on 1 and 2.

We have been working hard in the afternoons too, building, drawing and playing with our friends.

We are so proud of Charlotte for winning the JRSO competition.

We all thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner today.  The dinner ladies cooked us an amazing meal.  Everything was so delicious.

Our Stars of the Day this week were:

Carter for super progress in his work, Charlotte for winning the JRSO competition, Braxton for building an amazing model with the blocks, Miley for being very kind and helpful to others and Riley for working hard and maths and being a super tidier.

Allan was our Dojo pupil of the week with the most points.


Weekly round-up

The children did a fantastic job with their talks this week.  They were all so brave to stand up in front of everyone and talk about their favourite toys.  We are so proud of them all.

This week we were learning the ‘g; sound and the ‘l’ sound. We had fun using gloop and making lemonade.

In maths we have been learning how to write addition calculations using the + and = signs

Our stars of the day are:

Monday – Layla for doing a super Big Talk

Tuesday – Riley for great tidying

Wednesday – Braxton for wonderful detail in his writing

Thursday – Logan B for brilliant tidying and super singing

Friday – Quinn for fantastic singing

And a big congratulations to Logan R and Calli for winning joint pupil of the week by earning the most dojo points.

Nativity Lines

The children have been involved in deciding parts for our nativity video and those that want a speaking part have now been sent home with their words. These are in their book bags. Please practise the lines at home. All children will take part in our performance and we can’t wait to share it with you!