Weekly Roundup 26.11.21

Mrs Schendel has spent lots of time with Primary 1 this week and has been super impressed with all the amazing work all the children have been doing.

The children have been consolidating all the sounds they have learned so far, working on their formation and blending sounds together to make words.

As part of our Toys topic, Mrs Ferguson brought out the dressing up box and the children had great fun dressing up as chefs, fire fighters, wolves and so much more.

We learned all about how important it is to ‘Be Bright, Be Seen” when out walking in the dark winter nights. P4, our Junior Road Safety Officers, set us a competition to design a bright hoodie.


We are looking forward to hearing all the children”s talks next week.  Please look back at previous post for a reminder of what is expected and for the day your child will be asked to do their presentation.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Schendel



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