Wednesday 29th April

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well and staying safe. It looks like our lovely dry weather might be ending later on today. 🙁 Hopefully it comes back soon.

Today’s assignments are Literacy/HWB, Maths and Art.  As always just do your best, remember Friday is a catch-up day and assignments don’t close until Sunday.

My favourite thing so far this week is your homemade shops with things in your house. I have absolutely loved seeing your pictures so far, some of you have been so creative. I will share some of my favourite pictures on Friday so that you can all see what your friends have been up to.

Have a lovely Wednesday, we are nearly halfway to the weekend! 😊

Literacy / HWB – A Note of Kindness
I would like you to write a letter to someone you know who you have not seen for some time. It could be a neighbour, friend or relative. Check in with them and ask them how they are. Tell them what you have been learning about and some of the activities you have been doing. Include a positive message of hope to make them smile. It would be lovely to send them some pictures or drawing too to cheer them up. Deliver your note safely making sure you are social distancing. Send me pictures of your letter before you send it.
Maths – Money Word Problems
Try to work out the money word problems on the worksheet that is attached. You could use a range of Number Talks strategies to help you but remember there are always two digits after the decimal point when working with money so think about place value. Send me your answers when you have completed the challenge.
Art – Design a Banknote
To link with our maths topic of money I though it would be fun for you to design your own banknote. I have attached a worksheet to help but you can be as creative as you like and you can draw on your own paper if you like. You could even use technology if you prefer. Think about colours, patterns, people and symbols that could appear on your banknote. I am looking forward to seeing how creative you can be.

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