Online Learning- Advice For All Pupils

As our pupils start another week of online learning, it is important to recognise that we understand this can be difficult for a number of reasons. However, do not allow this to become a source of stress or anxiety for you.  Take a few minutes to read the points listed below which should help you when planning your study each week:

  • Sometimes accessing Teams through Glow can be slow and frustrating due to the high volume of traffic on the site. The link shown here advises you how to download the Microsoft Teams app onto your desktop, phone or tablet. We have found this far quicker than accessing teams through Glow.


  • Make sure you use the online planners for your year group to find the work set from all your teachers in one place. This will help you to create a study plan for the week. These are available on the school website and a notification is sent weekly through Twitter and the school app when they are uploaded each Sunday evening.


  • If you are struggling to understand or meet the deadlines set for any of the work set, contact your class teacher by sending them an email or by using the chat facility on Teams. Your teachers are there to support you!

And finally, remember to ‘do what you can, when you can’.  If you are having any issues speak to your class teachers where possible or contact the school via our email address.

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