Tag Archives: experiment

P6 – Healthy Teeth Experiment – The Final Results (4 weeks)

Lucas and Rozalyn have had their teeth submerged in fizzy juice for 4 weeks now (luckily they were baby teeth that had fallen out and not the adult ones that they still have in their mouth!). Lucas had his tooth in Coca-Cola and Rozalyn had hers in Diet Coke.

Both of the teeth have rotted badly, feel very crumbly and have a bad smell to them. The teeth are now black and look very ugly…they also can’t do their job properly because they are so weak.

As a class we have made a promise to ourselves to try and drink less fizzy juice (even diet stuff!) and drink more water. We want to have lovely shiny and white teeth until we are old!! We hope you follow in our footsteps and also try to cut down!

P4 – Mummification Experiment (Week 2)

We have been having lots of fun learning all about Ancient Egypt. We are now onto week 2 of our mummification science experiment and this week we had to vacate the classroom because things were getting stinky!! The mummified objects are now looking smaller, browner, thinner, and wrinkly and have no water or juice left in them. The non-mummified objects are very smelly, mouldy, and green and have liquid oozing out of them. If you look at our pictures can you tell the mummified objects from the non-mummified objects?