On Thursday 22nd November, SLC3 travelled up to Glasgow to visit the Cocoa Bean Factory as part of their topic on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
The pupils had a brilliant time and were able to make lots of different types of chocolate to take home. They learned how to make chocolate in different shaped moulds, decorated chocolate bars and made marshmallow men!
Later, the pupils learned about where chocolate comes from and got to touch and grind real cocoa beans.
Primary 5 have been learning about flooding for their topic of ‘Rivers’. The pupils carried out practical activities in the classroom to test whether their classroom was ‘flood ready’. Miss Adams was able to tell us all about the time she was affected by a flood.
Primary 5 have been learning all about the water cycle for our topic ‘Rivers’. We created a water in a cycle in a bag. This provided us with first hand experience of the way in which the water cycle actually works. Take a look at our pictures to find out more.
Lucas and Rozalyn have had their teeth submerged in fizzy juice for 4 weeks now (luckily they were baby teeth that had fallen out and not the adult ones that they still have in their mouth!). Lucas had his tooth in Coca-Cola and Rozalyn had hers in Diet Coke.
Both of the teeth have rotted badly, feel very crumbly and have a bad smell to them. The teeth are now black and look very ugly…they also can’t do their job properly because they are so weak.
As a class we have made a promise to ourselves to try and drink less fizzy juice (even diet stuff!) and drink more water. We want to have lovely shiny and white teeth until we are old!! We hope you follow in our footsteps and also try to cut down!