P1/2 Home Learning – 27.4.20

Primary ½ Weekly Tasks – 27.4.20


Hello Everyone,

I hope you managed to have a look through last weeks tasks and managed to get some completed.  Remember not to worry too much if you aren’t able to get through everything.  We can learn in lots of different ways like helping an adult bake or cook, or going on a walk and looking at nature.  I know everyone is just doing the best that they can.  I have some more ideas for you to work through this week. Please remember to stay safe and look after yourselves, I hope to see you all really soon.

Miss Stafford





P1 – Your new sounds this week is “er”.  What words can you come up with that have this sound in it?

Have a watch of Geraldine exploring this sound here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK8_kUg3454

Can you go a hunt around your house too?

Try to write any “er” words you can come up with an adult.  You can try to underwrite or overwrite.


P2 – Your new sound this is “y” but makes the same sound as last weeks sound – confusing!  This sound comes at the ends of words so see what words you can make.

Have a watch of this video exploring this sound here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5GKtk0RCE8

Try to write down some of the words in the video or from your Active Literacy booklet.

Can you write 3 sentences using 3 “y” words?


Remember to have a look at your jolly phonics songs and actions, most of them can be found here:




Remember to log onto Bug Club to access your new book this week.  You can also look back over previous books through your “library” to help you practice sounding out and blending.



Write about what you have been up to over the last week, including any chores, school work, family time – anything! Primary 2’s should be aiming to write as much independently as possible and Primary 1’s should aim to copy a sentence an adult has written for you.

Challenge: Have you done any baking or cooking with an adult? If so, write a set of instructions explaining how you did it and the ingredients involved.




How did you get on practicing reading a clock at home or on the online activity?  This week, try to draw/make/design your own clock.  Ask an adult to help you.  You can then set the time to whatever you like and challenge yourself!



Remember to log onto sumdog, you can find your log in details attached to your home learning pack.  I have set you a new set of challenges to complete this week tailored to your level.


Number Blocks and Number Jacks

If you fancy a bit of a more relaxed approach to keeping up with your maths, have a watch of Number Blocks or Number Jacks on YouTube.  They really help to develop your understanding of numbers and are good fun to watch!

Number Blocks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPlwvN0w4qFSP1FllALB92w

Number Jacks:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWKuiktSh-V3E4ysPU0VC3Q



P1: Remember to keep practicing your counting, there are lots of great songs online, such as this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVzXKfr6e8


P2: Focus on skip counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s.  Here’s a good video to help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_yUC1NCFkE


Health and Wellbeing

Remember to look after YOU! The most important thing is to keep feeling happy and healthy so take time to enjoy your family.  A great way to calm down or unwind is yoga. We loved doing our yoga in class so try and do some at home!

I recommend this channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Try to get outside for your daily exercise or even in your garden if you have one.  Being outside can really help how you feel.


Other Curricular Areas

Remember to work through your Learning through Play grid in your home learning pack, it has lots of really good ideas in it.  You also can still work through April’s home learning grid which I posted last week, I’ll share one for May next week.


Try to be creative this week and create a piece of art that makes you feel happy and that you enjoy creating – it can be anything that you like!


I hope this has given you some good ideas for the week to come, remember to stay safe and look after each other.   Sending lots of love,

Miss Stafford

SLC 3 Home Learning 27/4/20

Hello everyone!  I hope you all had a good weekend, having fun and making memories with your family.

Here are some ideas and activities for you to try this week.

Tasks for Week Beginning 27 / 4 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall –   Your key words this week are : with, you, were, where. Look, cover, write and check these words regularly throughout the week.  You can use pencil and paper, pens, chalk or rainbow writing.  At the end of the week ask an adult or older sibling to test you with these sentences :  I am at the park with my dog.    Where are you?  My mum and dad were in the car.

Phonics –   Spelling words this week:  slam, slip, slap, slim, slug, slot. Practise spelling each of these throughout the week.  You can use paint, chalk, shaving foam, pens, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, pencils, stampers, cut letters out of a newspaper / magazine.  I have also attached a booklet for extra practise.  If you don’t have a printer, you can copy the instructions from each sheet and work on the blank paper you were issued with in your pack.   my-sl-letter-blend-workbook-activity-booklet-english_ver_3


Writing – a postcard to a family member / friend that you haven’t seen for a while.  Use the template attached, if you don’t have a printer you can use paper from the pack you were issued with and copy the layout.   postcard-writing-template

 Reading – Read a story and describe your favourite character.  The attached template will support you in layout.  You can use a book you already have at home, a book from Bug Club or an online story.  Character Description

Practise skip counting in 10s.  Anytime you climb the stairs count up in 10s.  Hop / jump whilst counting in 10s.  Youtube videos of counting in 10s.

 10 times table bingo Write down 6 numbers that appear in the 10 times table.  (0, 10, 20. 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)  Ask someone at home to say aloud a sum, for example 10 times 3.  If you have the answer cross it out.  Can you clear all of your numbers?

 Place Value – use dice / playing cards / post its with 0 – 9 written on to make 3 digit numbers.  Can you write the number before / after?

Number talks : 52.   Jot down ways to make 52.  You can use adding sums and take away sums.  You can draw a picture of tens and units.

 We were learning how to use a ruler.  Find different objects around the house / garden and measure them in centimetres.  Can you order them shortest to longest?


Our topic is Transport.  Make a poster showing different methods of transport.  Remember we have sea, land and air vehicles.  You can draw, paint or cut out pictures.

If you live near a road, or maybe when out on your daily walk, you could take a traffic survey.  Count how many vans, buses, cars, lorries, motor bikes and airplanes you see.  Can you make a tally chart or graph to display your results?


Keep active!  Remember 60 minutes a day we are aiming for.  I have attached some ideas to develop your throwing and catching skills.  Jumpstart Jonny on Youtube also gets your body moving!



Enjoy your week, stay safe and look after each other.

Miss Robertson

SLC2 – Home Learning Tasks WB: 27/4/2020

Hello there!

I hope everyone is safe and well and you are all enjoying the beautiful weather. 🌞

Again, this week I have listed some suggestions of activities you can do with your family but these are not essential as you should still have plenty of activities you can complete in your pack. Please remember that learning lifeskills, playing games and getting outside are all valuable learning activities.

Literacy 📝

  • Last week you made alphabet cards. This week I would like you to make another set but write the capital letters. Use the cards and lay them out in the correct order. Ask an adult to hide the cards around a room and find the matching small and capital letters.
  • Can you practise writing the capital letters outside? Maybe you could use an old paint brush and water and write them on the path or wall?
  • Use the letter cards and make small words with the middle sound -i-, -o-,-u-. Eg. sit, nip, hot, cop, nut, bun. You could pick some of your words and draw pictures to match.
  • Go on a scavenger hunt around your house finding something that starts with each letter sound. We did this in our house and it was great fun. The letter ‘z’ was a tricky one!!
  • Please keep using Bug Club and read and enjoy listening to stories that people in your house can read to you.


Numeracy 🧮

Group 1

  • Continue to practise reading and writing numbers to 100. Ask an adult to say a number to 100 and you can write the number that comes before and after the number.
  • Play this game


  • Write out all the double addition sums you can make up to 10+10. Use stones, beads, pasta etc to lay out the sums so you can count the answer. How many of these sums can you learn the answer to without counting out objects? Ask an adult to test you!!

Group 2

  • Write out the 4 and 8 times table. Can you play bingo using the answers to these tables as you did last week?
  • Continue to practise counting in 2’s and 5’s.
  • Play some of these games



Maths for all 📏

  • Do you have a measuring tape at home? Use the tape and go around your home finding things that are smaller than 100cm. You might need an adult to help you. Remember 100 centimetres is the same as 1 metre!!

Fun for all 😁

  • I hope you are all managing to try to tie your laces. I look forward to seeing how well you can do it when we return to school.
  • Remember to help around your house more. Can you make your own bed or help to make lunch?
  • Our new topic this term is Our Town. Have a look on google maps for the area or town you live. Can you find your street or where someone in your family stays?
  • Try and collect pieces of rubbish over the next week as you could use them as part of our topic work.


Most importantly please all stay safe and well.🤗

Take care,

Mrs Blaney x



P2/3 Home Learning 27/4/20

Hello everyone,

Hope you are all staying safe and well and are getting outside to enjoy this lovely weather we are having.  I am missing you all but I am sure you are all enjoying your time with your family.

I am keeping in touch with you to give you your home learning activities for this week.  Try some if you can but remember to go outside to play as well if you have a garden.  A daily walk with your family is another way of learning and I have an activity for you this week to complete on your walk.

Take care everyone and stay safe.  I will be in touch again next Monday.

Mrs McLachlan


P2 and P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words for the ‘ew’ sound.  Practise writing the words for that sound in your laminated Elkonin Boxes in your pack and try to make some new words of your own.  Write 3 sentences using one of your words in each sentence.

Bug Club – Reading

Log in to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.  Another reading activity for this week is to see if you can find any ‘ew’ words in your reading book or choose a book you might have at home and see if you can find any ‘ew’ words and list them.


We have been learning about ‘adjectives’ in class and for your writing this week I would like you to try  ‘Describe the Monster’ activity.  I have attached the link below for this sheet and you have a word bank of adjectives you can use in your writing to describe the picture of the monster.  Remember to write in sentences using capital letters and full stops.  If you can’t print the sheet you could make up your own adjectives to describe a monster but remember to write in sentences.



Use Topmarks, Hit the Button link below to practise doubles.  Start with the lower ones then see how high you can go.  P3’s could try the division section to keep practising this at home.  We have done this in class.


Keep using laminated boards to try addition and subtraction calculations at home, ask a family member to make some sums for you.  Remember you can use a number line to help you if you need to.

We are going to be learning about Data Handling so as part of this you can complete a Spring Themed Tally Chart.  Open the link below to access this and print it.



When you are out a daily walk with an adult you could go on a plants and flowers hunt.   I have attached  the sheet below and you could tick all the plants and flowers that you see on your walk.  This could be done over the week because you might go different walks and see different plants and flowers.  If you don’t have a printer you could make your own list of different flowers or plants you see when out your walk.  An adult might help you with the names of these.  You might even have some in your garden.


Health and Wellbeing

Now for some Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco


Mrs Hill has prepared some music activities for you.  Just follow the link below.



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