P2/3 Home Learning 8/6/20

Hello everyone,

I hope you have had a nice week and managed to do some fun outdoor activities with your family.  I am just checking in with you to give you your Home Learning activities for this week.  Remember to just do what you can, these are only suggestions.  The most important thing is to stay safe and well.   I miss you all.

Take care.

Mrs McLachlan


P2 and P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words with the ‘o-e’ spelling.  Your words for this week are home, rope, stole, awoke, hope and smoke.  Practise writing the words for this spelling in your laminated Elkonin Boxes in your pack.  Write 3 sentences using some of your new words.  I have put a link below to Geraldine the Giraffe for you to watch to help with your new spelling pattern.


Bug Club – Reading

Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.  Try reading the book to an adult once you have read it yourself and ask them to point out words for you to read.  Well done to everyone who has been reading their books.


For writing this week we are going to be writing instructions on How to Plant Sunflower Seeds.  Watch the short video clip below on BBC Bitesize about planting sunflower seeds and then write a set of instructions on what you do.  We wrote instructions 2 weeks ago so just set them out the same way.  Remember what did they do first, second, third and fourth.  I have also put a set of instructions sheet below for you to print out and use to help you with your writing.  If you don’t have a printer just write them on a sheet of paper.


Instructions on Planting a Sunflower


P2 – This week Primary 2 are working on Subtration to 20.  I have put in a link for you to print a sheet with calculations up to 20.  There is a number line attached to help you if you need it.  If you can’t print the sheet you can still view it and you could copy the sums.

Subtraction to 20

P3 – This week Primary 3 are working on times tables.  You are completing a missing number times tables sheet for the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.  Challenge yourself and see how many you can complete.

Missing number timestables

P2 and P3 – Go on to Topmarks and practise the Subtraction Grid below.  You can start with one missing number then you can challenge yourself for two.  See how high you can go.  Can you try some up to 100?


Art – This week I would like you to make, paint or draw a picture of a Sunflower or lots of small Sunflowers.  Look at the pictures below to help you see what they look like.  You can either use paint, pencils, pens or make a 3D effect one using different materials.


Stem – We are going to be making a Cress Caterpillar this week.  If you can get a packet of cress seeds or you might have some in the house, that would be great.   You need egg shells, cotton wool, paint or pens and cress seeds.  I have attached a link for a video below to help you.  Have fun.


Music – Mrs Hill has prepared some activities for you.







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