Bank Holiday Weekend! P1/2

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all keeping safe and well.  Just a reminder it’s our bank holiday weekend this weekend (woo!). Although it maybe isn’t like other holidays we have had in the past, please take the time to just enjoy your family and don’t worry about getting any work done.  Fingers crossed the sunshine stays! I’ll post on Monday with more ideas for you, but enjoy your weekend whatever you end up doing :).

I miss you all lots,

Miss Stafford

Miss Lee’s SLC Groups

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good week and enjoyed some of the sunshine at the weekend. Here are a few suggestions for activities over the coming week.



Bug Club – Go in and have a read of one of your new books. Don’t forget to do the quiz

Writing –  “How to make a sandwich”

This week can you try to write the instructions for making a sandwich. You could help to make your own sandwich one lunchtime so that you have had a practice. It will help you think about what you need and what order to do things in.

*Top tip – break it down into sections e.g. What I need, What I did first, What I did next…..



Months of the Year Activity – Can you write out the 12 months of the year in the order that they come in. Then try to answer the following questions:-

  • What month is your birthday in?
  • What month is Christmas in?
  • Which months of the year are the school summer holidays in?
  • Ask other members of your family when their birthdays are?
  • What month of the year is Bonfire night in?
  • What month of the year is Valentine’s Day in?
  • Which months of the year is Winter in?
  • Which 3 months of the year are Spring in?
  • Which 3 months of the year is Summer in?
  • Which 3 months of the year make up the season of Autumn?


Volume Investigation

Can pupils collect containers of different sizes and shapes that they can fill with water. These could be bottles, jug, vase, watering can, a bowl etc.

Using a jug or a bottle you know the volume of fill each container with water and count how many jugs of water you need for each container you’ve collected. Then try to answer the following questions:-

  • Which container holds the most water?
  • Which one holds the smallest amount of water?
  • Can you put the containers you have in order from the one that holds the smallest colume of water to the greatest volume?



Don’t forget you have Sumdog that you can log into to use for maths and also there is Topmarks. There are lots of other websites suggested on the sheets that we sent home in March as well.


Art Project

This week I thought you might enjoy an art project that a friend of mine has given to her pupils in the USA. The challenge is to use some of your toys to create scenes that you can take a photograph of. You can make some really fun pictures here are a couple to give you some ideas.

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Something Else To Try

Why not try making a fruit salad for you and your family. You will need an adult with you to help, especially when you are using the knife to cut fruit up.

Fruit Salad

You will need:-

  • A selection of your favourite fruits (strawberries, melon, pineapple, mango, kiwi’s, oranges, apples, banana)
  • A little sugar
  • A little bit of lemon juice
  1. Wash, peel if you need to and chop the fruits up. Put them all into a bowl.
  2. Leave the banana until you are ready to serve.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit with a little bit of sugar and some lemon juice. This will help to stop the fruit turning brown.
  4. Cover the bowl with cling film and put it in the fridge so that the fruits get a bit juicier.
  5. When you are ready to eat it chop up your banana and mix it into the other fruits in the bowl.
  6. Your fruit salad is ready to serve. Enjoy. 🙂


Hope you have fun trying some of these activities out at home this week.

Take care and I will be in touch soon to find out how you all are.

Miss Lee x




P1/2 – Home Learning Activities

Home Learning – P1/2 4.5.20


Hi Everyone,

I hope you have managed to explore some of the suggested tasks from last week.  Remember to log onto Bug Club and Sumdog as these books and activities are made especially for you.  Please don’t worry about how much you are getting through, just do what you can.  Remember there are lots of ways to learn in your house! Just cooking, playing, walking etc can provide lots of learning opportunities.

Please stay safe and keep happy 😊

Miss Stafford.




P1 : For this week, recap on the sounds that we have looked at the last two weeks: “ch” and “ar”.  See what words you can make up using both of these sounds.  Make a list of 4 “ch” words and 4 “ar” words.

  • Make your “ch” words using coloured pens or pencils
  • Make your “ar” words out of items in your house e.g. pasta, playdough, rice (this will make your fingers nice and strong!)
  • Ask an adult to help you write a sentence with a “ch” and “ar” word in it.  Try to copy the sentence underneath or over the top.


P2: Your new sound this week is i_e.  This is the first time we have explored magic e so don’t worry if this is quite tricky.  Have a watch of this video of Geraldine exploring this sound:

What words can you find that have “i_e” in them?

Have a look in your active literacy booklet and choose a different spelling activity from your spelling grid for each day of the week.

Write 6 different sentences using each of these words, just as we would usually do in class.  Ask an adult with any tricky words you are struggling to write.



Remember to log onto bug club, your books are picked for your group so they are a great way to practice your reading and comprehension.  You also have previous books set in your “library” so check in there for books you have found tricky in the past.



Continue to write your news each week.  There’s always something to write about!  It is such a strange time at the moment, but it will be great to look back on in year to come!


After reading your book, try to write a new story about a character from it.

P1 – This can be a simple sentence.  Try to add in some of your own character.  You can “draw” your story first and ask an adult to then help you to write a sentence or two.

P2 – This should be done by yourself as much as you can, just ask for a little help if you’re finding something particularly tricky.  Use  your imagination and try to add new characters.



Number Work

Primary 1: Keep focussing on counting as much as you can. The YouTube links shared last week to Number Jacks and Number Blocks are great ways to keep up a recognition of numbers.

We have been working on adding in class, so try to find 10 objects in your home (pasta, pom poms, playdough, cubes, anything!) to help you, or the number line and whiteboard pen I put in your home learning packs.

Try to complete these sums with an adult, use your 10 items to help.

1 + 1 =

2 + 2=

3 + 3 =

4 + 4 =

5 + 5 =

Can you notice a pattern?


Primary 2: We had been focussing on adding 2 digit numbers using our knowledge of place value.  Try to complete these 5 calculations after following my example.

If the question was: 43 + 22 =

43 = 4 tens (40) and 3 units (3)

22 = 2 tens (20) and 2 units (2)

So we can add the units together first: 3 + 2 = 5

Then, add the tens ( you can skip count in tens to help): 40 + 20 = 60 + 5 = 65!

Try it yourself, and ask an adult to help.

11 + 27 =

23 + 42 =

64 + 31 =

50 + 30 =

74 + 22 =



Remember to access Sumdog, your log in details are in your home learning packs.  I have set a new series of challenges for you to complete next week.  These will explore some of our outer maths topics and some number work.


Other Curricular Areas

Have a look at this new Home Learning/ Learning through Play grid for at home.  These are all of May’s activities that you can work through all month:


If you have some kind of building blocks in the house e.g. wooden blocks, lego, or any kind of material, try these at home STEM challenges.  There are 30 here you can work through all month.



Remember you can access Mrs Hill’s Music activities by clicking on this link.


Remember to just keep going.  Whatever you are doing, is enough.  Try to help with chores, make your bed, keep your room tidy, help to cook dinner – anything! It all helps.

Keep well and safe, I really miss you all.

Miss Stafford


Primary 3/4 Home Learning – Week Beginning Mon 4th May

Hello Primary 3/4, I hope that you and your families are well and enjoying family time together. Please find below this week’s home learning tasks. Remember – only do what you can and don’t worry. Health and happiness come first!

Literacy & English
1) This weeks phonic sound is “qu” and your words to practice reading and spelling are: quick, square, queen, quiz, quarter, quilt and quit. If you want to challenge yourself further, try to think of 5 different qu words. You could practice spelling these in colour using Rollin’ Rainbow Spelling.

2) Aim to spend around 20-25 minutes on Bug Club. You could split this into 2 shorter sessions of 10 minutes if you wish. I have made sure that you all have books allocated. Remember to check for any teacher feedback too.
3) Become an illustrator and design a new front cover for a book you have at home or have read on Bug Club. Think about the information you need to include such as the title and author. Aim to make it eye catching for the reader.

Numeracy & Maths
4) Go on sumdog and complete the challenge questions focused on subtraction. When you log in and go to play a game, the subtraction questions will come up first. Last week’s questions on addition are still there if you have not completed them yet.
5) Practice telling the time around the house. Look and see how many clocks you can find in the house – microwaves, phones etc. Try to make a daily timetable to show how you spend a day. Write down the time and the activity you are doing. For example:
9:00 am Eat my breakfast
11:30am Go on sumdog
4:15pm Family walk
7:00pm Dinner together

6) Practice number bonds for 10 and 20. If you are unsure, it may help to draw them out. If you feel ready, you could try number bonds to 100. For example, 60 add ? = 100? 45 add ? = 100 79 add ? = 100
a. 6 + ? = 10
b. 3 + ? = 10
c. 9 + ? = 10
d. 15 + ? = 20
e. 13 + ? = 20
f. 18 + ? = 20

All My Other Learning
7) Design your own symmetrical butterfly. You could draw this in your home learning jotter or you could draw one on card/paper and cut it out. Did you know that a butterflies wings are symmetrical? Here is a short video to remind you what symmetry means and some pictures to get you started:


8) It is important we keep active during our time at home. Use the link below to access one of our favourite videos in class – Learning Station’s Move and Freeze.

Mrs Hill has prepared some tasks for you too:

Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

P2/3 Home Learning 4/5/20

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well and managing to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.  Some of our learning happens outside when we are working with our families.  If you have a garden you could help look after it with a family member.  Weeding is a big job in your garden so you could help with this.  Maybe there is a part in the garden you could look after.  If you were able to plant seeds in pots remember to water them regularly and watch them grow.

Here are your activities for this week for home learning.  Remember just to do what you can, these are only suggestions.

Take care everyone and stay safe.  I will be in touch again next Monday.

Mrs McLachlan

P2 and P3 – Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet and practise the new words for the ‘ow’ sound.  Practise writing the words for that sound on your laminated Elkonin Boxes in your pack and try to make some new words of your own.  Write 3 sentences using one of your words in each sentence.

Bug Club – Reading

Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.  Well done to everyone who has been reading their books.  Remember you can practise your reading by reading any books you have at home as well.


This week you are writing about Spring pictures.  Open the link below and look at the pictures.  Write sentences about what you can see, the words in the box will help you with ideas for your writing.  You could also try and use some adjectives in your writing.  What colour are the flowers?  Remember your capital letters and full stops.  If you don’t have a printer write some sentences about Spring that you see on your daily walk.  You can draw a picture about what you see if you want.


Use Topmarks Site to play Hit the Button, this week you could practise your Number Bonds by adding three numbers.  If you want a Challenge then click on adding to 100 and play this game.  See how well you do.

Continue logging on to Sum Dog and playing the games.

I have put a link for you to print a Missing Number Addition sheet.  Write the missing numbers.  See if you can make up some sums of your own with a missing number and ask someone in your house to complete it.

Continue to practise writing the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  Challenge yourself with the 3 and 4 if you want.

Stem – If you planted seeds in a plant pot last week at home you could complete this sequencing activity.  I have attached the link below.  Even if you didn’t have the opportunity to plant seeds you could see how well you do with the sequencing of this.

Art – When you are outside your daily walk gather some twigs, branches, leaves, pebbles and other natural materials to make a picture of a life sized you.  You could also try making animals out of the materials.

Health and Wellbeing – Click on the link below to go on a Cosmic Yoga Adventure.  It is called Popcorn and the Pirates.  Have fun everyone.

Music – Mrs Hill has prepared some activities for you.