Home Learning – P1/2 4.5.20
Hi Everyone,
I hope you have managed to explore some of the suggested tasks from last week. Remember to log onto Bug Club and Sumdog as these books and activities are made especially for you. Please don’t worry about how much you are getting through, just do what you can. Remember there are lots of ways to learn in your house! Just cooking, playing, walking etc can provide lots of learning opportunities.
Please stay safe and keep happy 😊
Miss Stafford.
P1 : For this week, recap on the sounds that we have looked at the last two weeks: “ch” and “ar”. See what words you can make up using both of these sounds. Make a list of 4 “ch” words and 4 “ar” words.
- Make your “ch” words using coloured pens or pencils
- Make your “ar” words out of items in your house e.g. pasta, playdough, rice (this will make your fingers nice and strong!)
- Ask an adult to help you write a sentence with a “ch” and “ar” word in it. Try to copy the sentence underneath or over the top.
P2: Your new sound this week is i_e. This is the first time we have explored magic e so don’t worry if this is quite tricky. Have a watch of this video of Geraldine exploring this sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDms5bRsvq4
What words can you find that have “i_e” in them?
Have a look in your active literacy booklet and choose a different spelling activity from your spelling grid for each day of the week.
Write 6 different sentences using each of these words, just as we would usually do in class. Ask an adult with any tricky words you are struggling to write.
Remember to log onto bug club, your books are picked for your group so they are a great way to practice your reading and comprehension. You also have previous books set in your “library” so check in there for books you have found tricky in the past.
Continue to write your news each week. There’s always something to write about! It is such a strange time at the moment, but it will be great to look back on in year to come!
After reading your book, try to write a new story about a character from it.
P1 – This can be a simple sentence. Try to add in some of your own character. You can “draw” your story first and ask an adult to then help you to write a sentence or two.
P2 – This should be done by yourself as much as you can, just ask for a little help if you’re finding something particularly tricky. Use your imagination and try to add new characters.
Number Work
Primary 1: Keep focussing on counting as much as you can. The YouTube links shared last week to Number Jacks and Number Blocks are great ways to keep up a recognition of numbers.
We have been working on adding in class, so try to find 10 objects in your home (pasta, pom poms, playdough, cubes, anything!) to help you, or the number line and whiteboard pen I put in your home learning packs.
Try to complete these sums with an adult, use your 10 items to help.
1 + 1 =
2 + 2=
3 + 3 =
4 + 4 =
5 + 5 =
Can you notice a pattern?
Primary 2: We had been focussing on adding 2 digit numbers using our knowledge of place value. Try to complete these 5 calculations after following my example.
If the question was: 43 + 22 =
43 = 4 tens (40) and 3 units (3)
22 = 2 tens (20) and 2 units (2)
So we can add the units together first: 3 + 2 = 5
Then, add the tens ( you can skip count in tens to help): 40 + 20 = 60 + 5 = 65!
Try it yourself, and ask an adult to help.
11 + 27 =
23 + 42 =
64 + 31 =
50 + 30 =
74 + 22 =
Remember to access Sumdog, your log in details are in your home learning packs. I have set a new series of challenges for you to complete next week. These will explore some of our outer maths topics and some number work.
Other Curricular Areas
Have a look at this new Home Learning/ Learning through Play grid for at home. These are all of May’s activities that you can work through all month:
If you have some kind of building blocks in the house e.g. wooden blocks, lego, or any kind of material, try these at home STEM challenges. There are 30 here you can work through all month.
Remember you can access Mrs Hill’s Music activities by clicking on this link.
Remember to just keep going. Whatever you are doing, is enough. Try to help with chores, make your bed, keep your room tidy, help to cook dinner – anything! It all helps.
Keep well and safe, I really miss you all.
Miss Stafford