SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s group 1st June


Hello everyone. This weather has been wonderful and I hope you have all managed to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.Remember to do what you can and don’t feel any pressure to complete these activities if you are still working on the previous weeks.

Mrs Blaney x


  • This week I would like you to revise the sh, ch, and th sounds that we have been learning recently. Can you find objects in your house that have these sounds in them e.g shirt, shoe, chain, thread etc. Ask an adult to help you sort them into groups of the same sounds.
  • Use the objects you have found and play ‘Kims game’. 1.Lay out the objects and remember what they are 2. Get a cover and place over the objects 3. Ask an adult to remove one of the objects 4. Can you guess what one is missing and say the sound for that object


  • Keep practising the green words in the list below. Can you continue to practise reading and writing these words when you can? You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. You could ask someone to write the ones you know onto one of the game boards, play the game and read the words. I have added another 2 yellow words but please do not feel you have to read and write all of these, just do what you can!


Green words                             Yellow

a             in           that                     all                 for

and         of           the                       as                 have

he           is           to                         be

I             it           was                       can



  • Here is a song you can listen to that has many of the keywords in it.


  • Have you been helping more in your house since lockdown? This is a good time to practise lifeskills. This week I would like you to help make lunch one day. This could be making a sandwich, heating up soup or making toast. Once you have finished discuss what you did, what equipment you used and the ingredients. Ask an adult to help you with the writing task in the link below where you will write the instructions. Please do not feel you have to print this off as it can be copied on to paper.
  • If you make or bake anything else then please feel free to write it up for extra practice


  • Click on the link below where you will be taken to the BBC Bitesize site. Complete activities 1 and 2


  • Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.



Group 1

  • Listen to these counting in 5’s songs


  • Can you write down the numbers from 0-50 as you count in 5’s on your blank number line? Try writing them from 0-100.


  • Click on the link below and have a go at the subtraction activities. When you are finished you could ask an adult to write some subtraction sums and practice answering them using a number line.


  • Here is a link to some subtraction games you can play


Group 2

  • Keep practising all your times tables. Maybe you could practice your tables by playing hopscotch. Draw out a hopscotch grid and answer the questions in each box. Remember the Topmarks website has lots of multiplication games you can play.


  • Here are some multiplication raps you can sing along to. There are plenty more you can listen to on youtube.


  • Click on the link below and follow these steps
  • Click on summer term – week 4 (w/c 11th May)
  • Complete lessons 1 and 2
  • You can pause the video when you see the pause sign to allow you to complete the calculations
  • Lessons 3 and 4 are not compulsory but you can try them if you want a challenge


  • Remember to log on to Sumdog where you can play lots of maths games.

Fun for all

  • Collect sticks when you are next on your walk and try to make a stick house with them. You might also need some string or wool to help hold your model together.

  • Use the blank board game to design your own game for everyone to play. Maybe you could set challenges as they land on each square e.g. 10 jumping jacks, say a compliment to someone, do a handstand, say the alphabet backwards?
  • I hope you enjoyed practising your drawing skills last week! Here is another link you could try again this week.