As part of our Health and Wellbeing we have been learning the importance of looking after our teeth. We are in the middle of an experiment where we have a tooth submerged in Diet Coke and one submerged in Coca-Cola… We think that the tooth in the regular Coke will rot faster – what do you think?
Daily Archives: September 22, 2017
P6 – Jelly Baby Parenting
SLC 3 – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
In SLC 3 we have been working with Ross Macfarlane to explore the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory through drama. Ross has been helping us to think about the characters in the story and has been giving us great, active ways to practise new types of punctuation that we can use in our writing.
In our sessions, we have thought about what the characters in the book are like. Here we are pretending to be someone from the story. Can you guess who?
We have also been bringing some scenes from the book to life. Here we are imagining that we are opening the door to the Chocolate Room!
Here is Justin being very pleased to be in a room full of chocolate!!
We have really been enjoying working with Mr Ross and exploring the story!
P7 Athletics Championship
Visit from Ciaran Murtagh
Barshare was massively excited to have a visit from the very famous author Ciaran Murtagh. Ciaran has written for Mr Bean cartoons as well as super books such as Stunt Boy. Ciaran provided the children with lots of great ideas about how to start their writing tasks – we cannot wait to read all the wonderful stories!