Category Archives: Events

Flu Immunisation

The flu immunisation programme visits the school on Wednesday 13th November

If you have returned your child’s form signed your child will receive a flu immunisation via a nasal spray.  If you have not signed or returned the form your child will not be given the immunisation.

After School Club – Karate

Galston Primary School, in conjunction with the  Jissen Ryu Karate , have organised a Karate Club for P3 and P4 pupils. The club will take place after school on a Thursday from 3pm – 4pm on 7th, 14th and 21st November.
I you would like your child to attend please complete the form below as soon as possible. This club is limited to 20 children and places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
If you would like your child to attend please complete the form by following the link below.

After School Club – Girl’s Football

Our Girl’s Football Skills Club is on after school every Wednesday from 3pm until 4pm. This club is fun based and suitable for all abilities and participants do not require any equipment to take part. The club is led by Kilmarnock Ladies Football Team player Holly Kerrigan who has a wealth of football knowledge and skills that she shares during the session. Holly is assisted by Mrs Willsden and they have many fun activities arranged for the the club in the next few weeks.
If you would like your child to attend this group please contact the school ASAP

Dress Down or Dress Up

Children are welcome to come to school on Friday  (25th October) either in fancy dress or dressed down. We ask that pupils do not have scary face paints or scary masks on. As usual we ask for a donation of £1 per child to participate in this fun activity which is used to purchase additional resources and treats for our pupils. This donation is payable through ParentPay or if you require a barcoded letter to make your donation please contact the school office.
Thanks for your continued support.

Harvest Service

Staff and pupils would like to invite parents along to our Harvest Service held on 11th October at 9:30a.m. at Galston Parish Church.

If any parent is able to volunteer to walk with the children to and from the church please contact the school office.


School Football Team – P6 & P7

Galston Primary School, in conjunction with your Active Schools Coordinator, have organised Football Trials for P6/P7 pupils to form our school football team. The trials will take place after school from 3pm to 4pm on Thursday 10th October
I you would like your child to attend please follow the link below to complete the permission form as soon as possible.
Thank you