Prize Giving Service

We were immensely proud of our children and young people who were celebrating all of their hard work, effort, progress and positive attitudes today.

Primary Ones looked so grown up and confident receiving their certificates and books.  All of the pupils, from all of the classes, receiving Certificates of Achievement displayed the school values very well, as did our whole pupil body as they sang and contributed to the ceremony this morning.  Primary 7 and their performance blew everyone away and we are so proud of them as they move on in their education journey.

Many sincere thanks go to Mrs Morton, Mr Hewitson, Mr Deas, Mrs Foster, Mr Banks and our very own Mrs Campbell who handed out prizes, certificates, special awards and ties.  You were an integral part of the ceremony and our celebrations.

Thank you to all of the helpers who walked with the children to and from the church.  We cannot do without your stalwart help.

Finally thank you to all of the parents and carers who attended today and helped us celebrate the pupils of Galston Primary.