Rights Respecting School Update

There has been lots going on at Auchinleck Academy this month to promote and celebrate children’s rights and the Global Goals. Last week some senior pupils delivered an excellent assembly on what it’s like to have a Hearing Impairment. This was one of several assemblies that pupils have led over the course of the session to raise awareness of the different needs that young people have in our school, and to promote tolerance, respect and understanding.

Groups of S2 pupils also delivered assemblies this month to promote their ‘ideas for change’ to support the Global Goals of ‘Climate Change’, and ‘No Poverty’. One group produced their own reusable water bottles and are selling these around the school to encourage pupils and staff to reduce plastic consumption. They delivered a really informative presentation to highlight the environmental damage that plastic waste can cause. Other S2 pupils delivered a presentation about Fairtrade and are now running a Fairtrade stall for staff and pupils every Tuesday at interval and lunch break.

Another Rights Respecting School event which will be taking place before the end of term is a non-uniform and fun day on Thursday 27th June to celebrate our right of the month, which is Article 31, the right to leisure, play and culture. There will be a range of leisure activities happening around the school, and pupils can pay £1 or bring in a donation to our foodbank to wear their summer clothes- the forecast if for sun!  Any money raised will go towards our Rights Respecting  School fund and sponsorship of Jebbeh Kiazolu school in Liberia.


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