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Home Learning- 23.3.20

Please see a copy of today’s home learning tasks. These can be found in the Files section of Microsoft Teams.

Monday 23rd March
Good morning Primary 5. Welcome to our first day of online learning! Remember to check in Files for your job list.
Here are your tasks for the day:
• Spelling- representations of ‘oi’.
Remember there are 2 main representations of this- ‘oi’ and ‘oy’
Use the phoneme story to find lists of words using these representations. Diacritically mark the words and record them in your lined jotter.
See the photo: Literacy Monday 23rd March for the phoneme story

• Finding fractions of an amount.
Complete these calculations in your numeracy jotter. You can use a bar model to help you.
See the photo: Numeracy Monday 23rd March for an example
1. 1/2 of 18
2. 1/4 of 20         2/4 of 20
3. 1/3 of 27        2/3 of 27
4. 1/5 of 35        3/5 of 35
5. 1/6 of 30        4/6 of 30

• Play TopMarks- Fraction Matcher Game

• Choose some Zumba videos for kids from You Tube and have some fun! Can you make up your own Zumba moves to the music?

Home Learning- Letter to Parents/Guardians

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you are all safe and well during this difficult time. I wanted to take a minute to let you all know how fantastically your children dealt with the uncertainties last week. They stayed positive and most importantly supported each other, and their teacher!
Online learning will take a little while to get used to but hopefully we will soon get into a new and different routine.
There will be a set of tasks each day. Tasks will be mainly revision and reinforcement. These will be dated and uploaded to Microsoft Teams and can be found in the Files section. Sometimes the tasks might be accompanied with a photo that shows an example. These will be dated and can also be found in Files. If I can help in anyway with these tasks, you can contact me through your child’s Glow e-mail and I will try and respond quickly. If your child is really struggling with a task, there is no pressure to complete it. We can work together on this when schools reopen. As well as tasks that I set, pupils can access Bug Club, Education City and Sumdog as often as they would like. I will be uploading the tasks the night before ready for the next day. To begin with I will also upload onto our P5 class blog.
I hope the weather stays bright and sunny so that pupils can enjoy time outside and with their family.
Thanks again for your continued support and let me know if I can help in any way.
Mrs O’Neil 😊

British Science Week

As part of British Science Week, P5 had a fantastic challenge to complete. We had to use recycled materials to build a grandfather clock. That wasn’t all, we had to have a moving mouse just like the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock!

We explored various ways of making the mouse move but settled on using a circuit which powered a motor with a wheel. I was very impressed with P5’s scientific skills.

Pupils worked in teams to build and decorate their clocks. In their designs they had to ensure there was somewhere for the circuit to sit.

Pupils then created a simple storyboard of the design and manufacturing process and presented their work at assembly. Fantastic P5!


Inclusion Week

As part of Inclusion Week, P5 explored what makes a family. We identified that all families are different and it is important to be respectful of each others’ differences, but most of all to be kind.

We thought about what made family special for us and we used our digital learning skills to create Wordles.


Scavenger Hunt

Primary 5 took part in a Solar System Scavenger Hunt around the class. They hunted for clues around the room to help them answer tricky questions about the Solar System.


Did you know it takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach Earth?


Class Reward

Primary 5 had great fun celebrating their first whole class reward. Pupils chose a class game of hide and seek. We have some very gifted hiders in P5. They were very difficult to find!

Primary 5 are not long a way from achieving their next class reward. I wonder what they’ll choose?

Mrs O’Neil 🙂

Scots Poem- “Oor Wullie”

As part of our focus on Scots language, P5 will be learning a poem called “Oor Wullie”. If pupils would like to, they can put themselves forward for the school Burns competition where 3 finalists from each stage would compete in front of the school. Pupils do not have to put themselves forward for the competition however, all pupils should try to learn as much as they can to perform it in front of the class. Pupils have a copy of the poem to read at home. During class time we will be practising the poem, projecting our voice and adding suitable actions and expressions. If possible, please practise the poem at home.

Thank you for your continued support!

Please see below for a copy of the poem.

Oor Wullie

Fair fa’ your rosy-cheekit face,
Your muckle buits, wi’ broken lace,
Although you’re always in disgrace,
An’ get your spanks,
In all our hearts ye have your place,
Despite your pranks.

Your towsy heid, your dungarees,
Your wee snub nose, your dirty knees,
Your knack o’ seeming tae displease
Your Maw an’ Paw.
We dinna care a tuppenny sneeze
We think you’re braw.

You’re wee, an’ nae twa ways aboot it,
You’re wise, wi’ very few tae doot it,
You’re wild, there’s nane that wad dispute it,
Around the toon. But maist o a’ ye are reputit
A lauchin’ loon.

Weel-kent, weel-liked, you’re aye the same,
Tae Scots abroad and Scots at hame.
North, south, east, west, your weel-won fame
Shall never sully.
We’ll aye salute that couthie name:
Oor Wullie.

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everybody. I hope you all had a lovely break with plenty of opportunities for rest and relaxation!

Instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions, we made a 2020 positivity chart. These are designed to pick us up on the days when we’re maybe feeling a little bit down. The pupils came up with lots of fantastic positive qualities and encouraging phrases.

Also a big well done to Amber who received a Head Teacher’s Award in the last week of December for outstanding effort in numeracy!